forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/1050/please-return-the-legends-return-star-planetThis is a much more straightforward approach to ways Star Planet can be returned and improved. These ideas are much more attainable and reasonable for Nexon in respect to bringing back Star Planet, or a similar concept using the same mini games.
Let this issue be heard and voiced to Nexon so they can take action and make many of us, their beloved customers, happy once again.
Thank you
Dedicated to all of Nexon employees and game developers and for all the devoted fans of "The Legends Return",
Objective: Bring The Legends Return mini game back into the gameplay of Maplestory
You see, The Legends Return, also known as pvp (player vs player), is a wonderful game that demonstrates friendship, immense teamwork, and strategic gameplay.
All players are incredibly supportive of each other and always have a great time!

It is a game loved by many, with some dedicating all their time to no life pvp, waiting upon hours, years, eternity for a game. Here is just a sample of some of these people:

All the characters in the game are beautiful creations with a powerful set of skills, and it would be very unfortunate to see it all go to waste.

This beautiful creation of a mini game should not be discarded. This is a post showing how much pvp means to the loving fans within the Maplestory community.
Just because KMS had their pvp removed
https://youtube.com/watch?v=7mww0uips4Idoes not mean we, GMS, should follow in their footsteps!
Please try to re-incorporate this beloved mini game back into Maplestory. If not star planet, then please try to return The Legends Return existence by any means necessary.
Thank you
Good Points That Were Brought Up List
1) Star Planet Shouldn't be removed, it should be revamped and made simpler to navigate around
2) Increase the amount of reward points to attract more players
3) Star Planet was a good place to meet friends across servers
and 6 others.
In the summer of 2015, I embarked on my new PvP career. I had fed the opposing team so well that they became as fat as my mother, who was so fat she was able to travel to China from Canada in one step. Eventually, I learned from my mistakes and grew stronger. On September 17th, my sister, Emily, grew ill. A week later she was diagnosed with a hematoma. The doctors told us she had very little time left -- time that needed to be cherished. I introduced her to PvP. Thus, we participated in daily scuffles via The Legends Return.
We lost her on October 5th. It is still tremendously painful for me to speak of this experience but I believe that this is necessary for our cause. To me, The Legends Return embodied not only the positive community found in MapleStory, but also Emily. I continued to play alone, but I felt as though my sister were still with me. When I opened the patch notes to see that our game had been removed… I cannot find the words to describe the desolation I felt.
Bring back The Legends Return. For Emily.
I wouldn't mind it returning as a periodic event, with decent enough rewards to encourage a lot of people to play it (cross-world play would also be nice...)
Thank you for sharing, I hope that Nexon will acknowledge this passage and really reflect on their actions.
Bring back star planet!
I could honestly care less about star planet's existence. It died within the 3rd day with only 25% of it's original users being gone in less than a week. I know a handful of people who haven't been to star planet after 2 weeks of it being around and some who don't even know what Star Planet is.
yall never gave it a chanc.e.. YALL NEVER GAVE IT A CHANCE (sobbing intensify)
-maybe it was too complex for u guys to understand the way star planet worked, with the little to none proper instructions it provided (they should remove everything but the Games Arena of SP)
-once you're hooked its very fun and you easily max rp
-you prob never pvp'd.. U NEVER PVP'd