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Please Return The Legends Return/ Star Planet

Member ilovpvp
Reactions: 945
Posts: 7
edited October 2016 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests


This is a much more straightforward approach to ways Star Planet can be returned and improved. These ideas are much more attainable and reasonable for Nexon in respect to bringing back Star Planet, or a similar concept using the same mini games.

Let this issue be heard and voiced to Nexon so they can take action and make many of us, their beloved customers, happy once again.

Thank you

Dedicated to all of Nexon employees and game developers and for all the devoted fans of "The Legends Return",
Objective: Bring The Legends Return mini game back into the gameplay of Maplestory

You see, The Legends Return, also known as pvp (player vs player), is a wonderful game that demonstrates friendship, immense teamwork, and strategic gameplay.
All players are incredibly supportive of each other and always have a great time!
It is a game loved by many, with some dedicating all their time to no life pvp, waiting upon hours, years, eternity for a game. Here is just a sample of some of these people:
All the characters in the game are beautiful creations with a powerful set of skills, and it would be very unfortunate to see it all go to waste.

This beautiful creation of a mini game should not be discarded. This is a post showing how much pvp means to the loving fans within the Maplestory community.
Just because KMS had their pvp removed https://youtube.com/watch?v=7mww0uips4I
does not mean we, GMS, should follow in their footsteps!

Please try to re-incorporate this beloved mini game back into Maplestory. If not star planet, then please try to return The Legends Return existence by any means necessary.

Thank you
Good Points That Were Brought Up List
1) Star Planet Shouldn't be removed, it should be revamped and made simpler to navigate around
2) Increase the amount of reward points to attract more players
3) Star Planet was a good place to meet friends across servers

and 6 others.
  1. Should Nexon Bring Back The Legend Return Game?51 votes
    1. DUH, they shouldn't have removed it in the first place
       92% (47 votes)
    2. no i'm a feeder and i cry everytime
       8% (4 votes)


  • Member cactus
    Reactions: 925
    Posts: 4
    edited October 2016
    “Few blades cut deeper than the edge of unrequited love.” This sentiment acutely portrays the nature of my grievance caused by the abrupt removal of The Legends Return.

    In the summer of 2015, I embarked on my new PvP career. I had fed the opposing team so well that they became as fat as my mother, who was so fat she was able to travel to China from Canada in one step. Eventually, I learned from my mistakes and grew stronger. On September 17th, my sister, Emily, grew ill. A week later she was diagnosed with a hematoma. The doctors told us she had very little time left -- time that needed to be cherished. I introduced her to PvP. Thus, we participated in daily scuffles via The Legends Return.

    We lost her on October 5th. It is still tremendously painful for me to speak of this experience but I believe that this is necessary for our cause. To me, The Legends Return embodied not only the positive community found in MapleStory, but also Emily. I continued to play alone, but I felt as though my sister were still with me. When I opened the patch notes to see that our game had been removed… I cannot find the words to describe the desolation I felt.

    Bring back The Legends Return. For Emily.
  • Member, Private Tester Fennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
    Posts: 471
    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2016
    Haha, I actually really enjoyed that minigame when it first came out. Never played LoL or any of those big name MOBA's though (closest I've played was Hero Attack on StarCraft II lol). And I stopped when I came back cuz it always took too long to find a match. Plus, One Card was semi-afk-able, effortless, and way more populated.

    I wouldn't mind it returning as a periodic event, with decent enough rewards to encourage a lot of people to play it (cross-world play would also be nice...)
  • Member ilovpvp
    Reactions: 945
    Posts: 7
    edited October 2016
    cactus said:

    “Few blades cut deeper than the edge of unrequited love.” This sentiment acutely portrays the nature of my grievance cause by the abrupt removal of The Legends Return.

    In the summer of 2015, I embarked on my new PvP career. I had fed the opposing team so well that they became as fat as my mother, who was so fat she was able to travel to China from Canada in one step. Eventually, I learned from my mistakes and grew stronger. On September 17th, my sister, Emily, grew ill. A week later she was diagnosed with a hematoma. The doctors told us she had very little time left -- time that needed to be cherished. I introduced her to PvP. Thus, we participated in weekly scuffles via The Legends Return.

    We lost her on October 5th. It is still tremendously painful for me to speak of this experience but I believe that this is necessary for our cause. To me, The Legends Return embodied not only the positive community found in MapleStory, but also Emily. I continued to play alone, but I felt as though my sister were still with me. When I opened the patch notes to see that our game had been removed… I cannot find the words to describe the desolation I felt.

    Bring back The Legends Return. For Emily.

    Thank you for sharing, I hope that Nexon will acknowledge this passage and really reflect on their actions.

  • Member jacksu321
    Reactions: 430
    Post: 1
    edited October 2016
    @Nexon you guys posted how Star Planet only brings less than 1% of the popularity and only receiving 5% of the reward points. If so why not increase the the amount of reward points for each mini games and attractive players by adding new contents. Star Planet should come back. #BringBackStarPlanet
  • Member baboyo
    Reactions: 580
    Posts: 5
    edited October 2016
    Im really sad that they removed star planet as a whole. I made a lot of friends in other servers because of it and im really disappointed our relationship will just be cut short like this.

    Bring back star planet!
  • Member ilovpvp
    Reactions: 945
    Posts: 7
    edited October 2016
    jacksu321 said:

    @Nexon you guys posted how Star Planet only brings less than 1% of the popularity and only receiving 5% of the reward points. If so why not increase the the amount of reward points for each mini games and attractive players by adding new contents. Star Planet should come back. #BringBackStarPlanet

  • Member Revenants
    Reactions: 315
    Post: 1
    edited October 2016
    For the past two years of maple, I have spent most of my time if not all of my time on "The Legends Return!" in star planet. As I have grown bored with normal maple, there really is not much to do in the game anymore, at least for me. Through the years I have gained several friends from other worlds who I would not have met without The Legends Return! being around in star planet. Although I still did play the game for rp, it was the only enjoyable thing I had going for maple. Now that it has been removed, I really don't have a purpose to play this game as much as I used to. As has been stated, there are several others like me who would greatly appreciate some type of implementation of "The Legends Return!" back into maple. Thanks if you read this.
  • Member Starfall
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 2
    edited October 2016
    Never forgettiimage
  • Member forhaces
    Reactions: 310
    Post: 1
    edited October 2016
    I've spent most of my time playing The Legends Return and I am very sad to see that it is now gone. I can't believe that this day would ever come and I hope this is just temporary. I spent so much time playing The Legends Return with my friends and they are also very sad to see this happen. I would very much like for Nexon to bring it back because there are many people like me that spend time on Star Planet. I don't feel the need to log onto MapleStory anymore due to Star Planet being gone. I hope that you can change your mind and bring back the joy that brought happiness to not only me but many others. Please bring it back! Thank you for reading this and I hope to see it return.
  • Member CashmereCat
    Reactions: 420
    Posts: 3
    edited October 2016
    I play Starplanet when I'm bored which is usually all the time. Starplanet is one of the thing that makes Maplestory unique, by taking it out its just another MMRPG where everyone is going to afk. Starplanet is another place where players from different servers meet and can talk about things such as economy or what the trend of nx perms are. Only reason why theres not alot of players in Starplanet is because its so confusing. I didn't know how to navigate around, gain points, or do daily quests until recently. When I bring players they get hooked into it, meaning that Starplanet is something that shouldn't be erased from the game but rather encouraged. Please do bring back Starplanet, there are many players who are more interested in playing Starplanet instead of going on Maplestory to do bosses, quests, or fund for damage.
  • Member ilovpvp
    Reactions: 945
    Posts: 7
    edited October 2016

    I play Starplanet when I'm bored which is usually all the time. Starplanet is one of the thing that makes Maplestory unique, by taking it out its just another MMRPG where everyone is going to afk. Starplanet is another place where players from different servers meet and can talk about things such as economy or what the trend of nx perms are. Only reason why theres not alot of players in Starplanet is because its so confusing. I didn't know how to navigate around, gain points, or do daily quests until recently. When I bring players they get hooked into it, meaning that Starplanet is something that shouldn't be erased from the game but rather encouraged. Please do bring back Starplanet, there are many players who are more interested in playing Starplanet instead of going on Maplestory to do bosses, quests, or fund for damage.
    I strongly agree with this comment. Rather than removing Star Planet, it should be revamped!
  • Member Mimimi
    Reactions: 720
    Posts: 9
    edited October 2016
    I love game of yut too much to see it go!
  • Member SweetPatato
    Reactions: 410
    Post: 1
    edited October 2016
    I first came to Star Planet 2 months ago, a good and close friend of mine introduce me to this place where you can meet up with other players from other worlds and play mini games such as PvP . I was sitting next to my friend and watch them talking and having fun actually made me really happy and competing against each other was pretty intense and fun. Now that Star Planet is closed, my friends are struggling to get SP back and meeting up with each other and its just heart breaking to see that . SP was the only fun place where players from other worlds would meet up and have fun because theres really not much to do in Maple World nowadays... Also it was a great way to fund yourself without actually wasting money on nx. Now you can't max your rewards point with only bossing. Nexon should increase the amount of reward points on mini games instead of closing SP. Please Bring Star Planet back ! Thank you.
  • Member Peiyu
    Reactions: 1,350
    Posts: 4
    edited October 2016
    I play starplanet when i have time and it's really boring if im on maple and not in star planet. I also miss the game The Legends Return. It was really fun for me because We would earn rp and have so fun while at it. Another thing is that people like going to star planet to play games. Even though there are a lot of bots there are still some people who actually wants to play the star planet games while earning rp. It really sucks that they removed it and some people only went on maple just to go on star planet. We also got to meet people across worlds. So in conclusion bring back STAR PLANET PLS ITS MY LIFE!!
  • Member AznboiE
    Reactions: 3,445
    Posts: 519
    edited October 2016
    Starfall said:

    Are you aware of how much 1 yen is compared to a dollar? That stock dropped nearly a dollar and a quarter that's not huge.

    I could honestly care less about star planet's existence. It died within the 3rd day with only 25% of it's original users being gone in less than a week. I know a handful of people who haven't been to star planet after 2 weeks of it being around and some who don't even know what Star Planet is.
  • Member ilovpvp
    Reactions: 945
    Posts: 7
    edited October 2016
    AznboiE said:

    I could honestly care less about star planet's existence. It died within the 3rd day with only 25% of it's original users being gone in less than a week. I know a handful of people who haven't been to star planet after 2 weeks of it being around and some who don't even know what Star Planet is.

    yall never gave it a chanc.e.. YALL NEVER GAVE IT A CHANCE (sobbing intensify)
    -maybe it was too complex for u guys to understand the way star planet worked, with the little to none proper instructions it provided (they should remove everything but the Games Arena of SP)
    -once you're hooked its very fun and you easily max rp
    -you prob never pvp'd.. U NEVER PVP'd
  • Member cactus
    Reactions: 925
    Posts: 4
    edited October 2016
    Peiyu said:

  • Member Brayden
    Reactions: 515
    Posts: 2
    edited October 2016
    I just found out about star planet and what it was about a month ago. When it came out I wasn't playing, so I had no idea what it did. There was nothing in game to tell me about it, so I never bothered to click on it. The reason why players aren't using it is because they don't know the rewards it can give and how it works.
  • Member KeepComingBack
    Reactions: 2,960
    Posts: 214
    edited October 2016
    Day 2 without One Card: I am cold and alone. I may not make it much longer.
  • Member, Private Tester Eras
    Reactions: 1,585
    Posts: 15
    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2016
    I need star planet. I need easier RP gain. I suck at bossing!