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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Recharging Balanced Furies
Hello! It would be great to let us recharge Balanced Fury stars in every shops. It's pretty annoying that we can't just simply recharge it in any shops, for example it would be great to do it in the android shop, so I don't have to get back to root abyss or NLC..
So they may notice it ._. posts are gone in a day from the first page
Imagine how fun the forums would be if everyone bumped their threads every few hours...
So it turns out, Crystal Ilbis can be recharged in android shops, only non throwing star named stars cannot be recharged in the shop
Wait what, you can recharge crystal ilbis at android shops? i didnt even know that... I may sell my furies then, since I don't think anybody cares about recharging furies.
Marginal profit but overall worth it cause you can use the android shop to recharge them so that's worth something