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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
So i got my kanna to lvl 202 on Reboot
is there a way to increase the duration of the snow lady, she makes my mobbing SO MUCH BETTER
I know Leveling up the Node increases the duration, and i thought corsair's Legion skill would increase the duration (it doesn't)
so is there any other way to increase the duration of the snow lady
What I don't know is how Node Slot upgrades from the V Care patch next week is going to affect things like duration. Potentially you may be able to get a slight duration increase that way as well since it is raising the level of the node in that particular slot.
Assuming you have just a level 1 Yuki node and you level up a Node Slot to 5, you'd effectively have a level 6 Yuki. That would increase the duration from 35 seconds to 38 seconds.