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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
I'm definitely missing somthing...
how come that in one week occult cubes go from 14m to 900k?
However what may have happened is players began prepping for Ark by creating rare/epic gear, which caused a spike in price.
But that would make occult cubes more expensive... but they became dirt cheap, as if there is a way now to earn a lot of tradeable cubes.
No idea why they're so expensive, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't artificially lift the price a bit when no other occult cubes were in stock.
i have around 15,000 occult cubes now... i hope one day they will go back to the 10m+ price point
Jw, were they eboss rewards before or just added recently to possible rewards? Cause I don't recall every getting occults from eboss until after Ark patch.
Extremely disappointing to open the new tanky ebosses and end up getting something I already have like +500 of untrabeable of. =l
I believe they've always ( maybe since Nova patch) been an reward chance, but they may have just increased the rate and they also bumped up the numbers, sometimes I get 9 occult cubes from the boxes. I used to regularly get those useless 20% stamps, but now I get these cubes or chaos scrolls or epic potential scrolls.
Interesting, cause I've usually/normally gotten chaos/epots and didn't really recall getting any trabeable occults (think that's the type the eboss boxes give) other than from surprise missions or certain events. Must have just not gotten the right rng rolls. o.o