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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
So... This is really like a Facebook now. It's interesting, with the option that nobody knows ur name. Just ur IGN.
You have been a registered member for six whole years!
February 2023
Wow. You've been a member for 5 years. Thank you for being a member of our community.
February 2023
You have been a registered member for four whole years!
January 2021
Getting this far requires gumption, something you have in spades. 100 spades to be exact.
June 2020
You have been a registered member for three whole years!
June 2020
You have been a registered member for two whole years!
June 2020
You have been a registered member for an entire year!
September 2017
You have shared your opinion 25 times. Let's hope they weren't just cat memes.
February 2017
You used the search bar! No seriously, so many folks never even look there that it's worth having a badge just for this.
November 2016
You've selected an avatar. Now show it off by posting in the forums!
November 2016
You earned your first like! Keep it up!
October 2016
You had a hard decision to make, but you did it. Well done.
September 2016
You've created a poll! Let's see what the results will be
September 2016
So... This is really like a Facebook now. It's interesting, with the option that nobody knows ur name. Just ur IGN.
September 2016
You made your first post in the forum!
September 2016