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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Suggestion for the login delay.
I'm not too sure how many people this affects but I know it does to me on my account aswell as my partners.
There's a login delay when you first make it to your character selection screen on the EU luna sever.
The character creation tab along with remove character tab are both disabled until basically when the game connects in some way.
This is a problem.
For example, a new player creates an account and attempts creating a character but cannot due to this delay.
The delay normally lasts between a minute or two, what does that player do? Realise its a delay? Or just give a up and plays another game?
Can we get a a message saying something along the lines of then game just connecting until the delays done?
So many new potential players could just be giving up..
All the players that may have returned for reboot and they've potentially given up on the character selection screen.
There is already a message if you hover over the button or any other disabled portion that states "loading, please wait"
Ohhh.... thats fair enough! I didnt notice that.
Then if the suggestion happens to go anway I'd like too see it become visable regardless of hovering over a disabled button