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Avatar Stamp Exchange Suggestion - August 2018

Reactions: 480
Posts: 4
Member, Private Tester
edited August 2018 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
We still don't have a set time for Avatar Stamp exchange rotation, so I have a few things I would like to see on the future rotation. Note, that we got the same exact rotation twice already; first one: http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/11754 and the second one was a ninja update with no news notification whatsoever implemented on the July 25 2018 Cash shop update.

Anywho, Dark Cygnus knights are so 2015. With "The Black" patch in the near future, it is time for the Commanders to get their spotlight!

The one with the red star is the one I want the most. Lotus is sicc.


Aru, I pray for you to make things happen.


  • EvelsynnEvelsynn
    Reactions: 480
    Posts: 4
    Member, Private Tester
    edited August 2018
    Then as for the weapon rotation, maybe we can go with these.
  • EnokumoEnokumo
    Reactions: 1,610
    Posts: 122
    edited August 2018
    I go nuts for the Orchid mask. Additionally the sleepy rabbit doll (idk name?) you can wear as cape would be cool.