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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Closed html5 problem at boatride game stop working
hi ive played this game a long time ago in 2006-2009 but now i have playing it was fine untill the boatride to victoria island from the tuturial, it says html5 problem with browser, help please
I have been working on the problem for about 8 hours now and have narrowed it down quite a bit. It seems like it is a conflict of some kind, for some reason it is having trouble loading a youtube video as the message you get is actually the same one you get if youtube can not load html 5. I am kinda at a loss almost the only thing I can think of at this point is some kind of audio conflict which is what I have been testing for the last 2 hours.
I would clear your cache on your browser (the game defaults to Internet Explorer, but I'd clear any you have to be sure). I only recommend that because only a handful of people are having similar issues with YouTube and the only one with a "solution" was this.
I'll pass this along in case there is a conflict with the game loading HTML5, as ultimately YouTube (along with most other sites) is working on phasing out Flash entirely, meaning forcing it shouldn't be your best option.
I've created other explorers in the past and watched the video, but I was not able to this time. I have tried clearing my cache on my browsers (Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer) and restarted my computer. Unfortunately, none of those helped resolve the issue.
I was trying to make a new explorer, after completing the tutorial lvls 1-10. I went to go to the ship to Victoria Island when to the cutscene and got an error
"Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available"
"click here to visit our frequently asked question about HTML5 video"
can't get passed it, updated everything and double all forums
plz send help
I've tried clearing my cache for IE and Chrome, and re-installing my chrome browser. My friend also tried my account on his computer, and he gets the same error!
In the meantime, does anyone know where the game drops you if you choose to skip Luminous's tutorial cutscenes when prompted? Like, will it skip the whole thing, or does it give you the option to just skip specific cutscenes? Because if the problem's not fixed soon I may have to delete my Luminous, remake her, and try to bypass the problem by just skipping the video cutscene, but I also like story and don't want to skip the entire tutorial.
Related, does anyone know exactly how many video cutscenes there are in the game as well as where they all are? Because now I fear for my other characters and don't want them to get rendered unplayable due Youtube errors, so i'd like to know which questlines to avoid or put off until this gets resolved.
This is still a pretty gamebreaking bug if you don't know how to skip video cutscenes though, so I hope it gets fixed ASAP.