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Hayato - Sengoku Force, Assemble!

Reactions: 325
Post: 1
edited September 2018 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Hello - Ign's Nori (Hayato) and this is my first HLucid clear - I noticed a few issues with the 5th job skill: Sengoku Force, Assemble!

Issue 1#
The skill seems to target nightmare golems and mushrooms with ease... but when it comes to Lucid in phase 3 (same issue applies for phase 3 Hellux), it's apparent that it doesn't work on her. It's slightly upsetting because this skill is a chunk of our dps when it's up. I've attached the two following videos to illustrate this issue.

at 2:20 you can see the dark holes appearing and disappearing around the map is the summons spazzing out around the platform trying to find a target..

at 25:35 same thing applied for the Kanna in the video too as this is a shared skills between the two jobs.

My understanding is that this might not just be a sengoku's class issue - it is an issue that affects any boss that is deemed too far up from the ground, if any other classes you play that have an issue similar to this, please leave a comment below.

Issue 2#
Why do we not have the ability to right click and cancel the summons in bonus stage like the fix for Mercedes and their unicorns?

at 2:50 you can hear me frantically worry about my summons being up with 5 seconds left. 5 seconds was all it took to kill the box in bonus stage. I felt so bad!

If there's anybody that mains Hayato and Kanna feels the same way about this issue - I hope that this post speaks for us


  • mechtheftmechtheft
    Reactions: 210
    Post: 1
    Addition: this greatly effects Hayato's dpm with our already low amount of lines with high %'s, the summons multiply the damage output by 1.5 which is a massive amount. This would be a positive fix for any Hayato mains of any funding level since the summons do not work on part 3 of gollux as well.
  • LoudLoud
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 3
    edited September 2018

    Thank you very much for taking your precious time and bringing this issue into the forum. Having to occur such issues in 2018 is as intolerable as having a chipmunk in our houses — The fact that we the maplers, has to go through this type of problem is just beyond unacceptable!

    I am hoping to see the Nexon team fix this issue the soonest, fastest & the quickest (I do realize that those 3 words I just used are expressing the same thing but a little sarcasm wouldn’t hurt anybody...) possible as we no longer can tolerate such pathetic issues in 2018.

  • mafloo3mafloo3
    Reactions: 1,160
    Posts: 43
    edited September 2018
    can confirm the summons cant be canceled when being right-clicked
    been through the same with the bonus stage after lucid on my kanna... had no idea I couldn't cancel it.
    rip box.
  • kymmiieekymmiiee
    Reactions: 880
    Posts: 11
    edited September 2018
    Also having the cancel feature would help at the reward box situation because it just goes and destroys the box on its own aswell. xD *bumps*
  • ThiefGMSThiefGMS
    Reactions: 210
    Post: 1
    edited September 2018
    issue been here since the skill was released, can't think of the amount of drops i've missed in the past because of the skill breaking the box after clearing