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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Irrelevant Sunny Sunday Perk
For this upcoming SS we have the perk 'Use 4x as many Elite Monster Reward Pouches' - now correct me if I'm wrong, but we do not have these Elite Monster pouches they speak of. Please change this to something that is actually relevant to our version, or at the very least remove things that can't be offered so as to embarrass yourselves a little less. =/
But the way this is worded I don't see how this could be a mistranslation.
Unless they meant the Elite Boss Treasure boxes, but those are limited to 30, not 5.
Maybe, but why put "Rewards Pouches" then?
In some versions, but not GMS, they can drop from Elite Mobs and give like 50~70 Reward Points, but are limited to 5 a day. But since we don't have that, the perk is just a mistake, and the server check fixed this.