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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
So after playing MS2 a fair bit, I have gotten the itch to play MS1 again! but I just want to know over the past 3 years, has the game improved? I plan to play on reboot to avoid the P2W cubes. last time I was there it was really hard to get any good items without grinding for months. Also is there any groups playing in reboot? with a discord or something? Would be awesome if people get together to fight the tougher bosses and share the loot to help everyone! I can dream~
basically I just wanna know if its worth coming back too or stick to MS2. thanks guys!
Although you can wait for the TERA BURNING to go up quickly to level 200 with kanna or any other character so you can ask for leech. if they give it to you
His recent comments indicate he's exaggerating for the sake of complaining, something I verbally warned users in another thread about which he then proceeded to ignore.
Maplestory 2 and Maplestory are very different games with very different playstyles. Both are fun, but comparing the two isn't very useful for what it's worth.
You should take advantage of things like the Monster Collection and the newly-implemented Fairy Bros Daily Gift for items.
Finding a guild shouldn't be extremely difficult in Reboot, although you should still actively search for one instead of expecting one to come to you.
oh fairy bros? thats new, thanks for the insight! also thank for informing me about that user.
I have never used singapore or malasya and have 3 characters at 5th job with my highest one 227 and well on it's way to 230, a legion over 5k and legendary on all equips.
I've never been carried or used Kanna regularly or anything. I just play around 3-4 hours every day and am fairly consistent with actually doing stuff in-game.
Stop doom posting because your favored farm spot was removed.
I'm in Scania and I'm planning on end game goals (soloing weekly bosses, reach high floors in dojo, etc). Feel free to buddy list me, Cygnus277. Part of an active guild + alliance that would be glad to have you.
awesome. umm what guild are you in atm? and what does the Alliance do? does everyone help everybody out? i have a Cygnus Toon i wanted to Main upto level 200 or get my Healer/Bishop to lvl 200 first off i guess