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Question about quest "soaring on a mount"
I feel so bad now...
I just spent 50m+20m on the quest "soaring on a mount" by mistake... And meanwhile, I missed that hog catch and I still had Pheromone perfume in my use slot. After that, I googled and found that if I wanna get a mount, I have to spend another 20m meso on it to catch that hog...
I can't tell if I get anything from that huge amount of meso...
Can someone tell me what should I do to make up all those mistakes, please
Thank you so much!
I've read the mount part of your guide. So I guess I won't try to finish the Hog quests now since I don't have enough mesos.
But for the soaring quest, I've finished that quest and I can't find the Soaring skill in my skill book. Could you please tell me what's going on here?
In your skills window, there is a blue button with the word "Mount" on it. Click that and you will open up another window that will show you all the mounts you have and even the "Soaring on a Mount" skill.
Sorry to bother you once again. I think I still can't use the skill called "soaring(mount)".
I got a Barlog mount recently, and I checked your thread which said that the Barlog mount is known to be able to Soar.
What I did is double-click Balrog mount and double-click soaring(mount) skill, but nothing happened.
Could you please tell me what's the right way to mount this Balrog?
Was the name of the coupon "Balrog" or "Balrog Mount." One is permanent while the other one has an expiration. To my knowledge, only permanent mounts are capable of soaring. Also while mounted, you can hold down the up key and tap jump as a faster way to enter soaring state and press down+jump at the same time to exit.