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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
[BERA] Cleric looking for guild and/or friends
Big time ( ; n ; )
I came back to MS1 and so much has changed since the last time I've played. I started a new character in Bera since it seems to be the most populated as of now (Ofc, I have a reboot one, too, but I really want a Zero character — thus, can only do it outside of reboot world -w-.)
Anyway, I'm looking for an active guild in Bera or friend group I can play the content with. Treat me as a newbie because everything's changed and I couldn't possibly be more lost if I tried.
My character's name is Qaevi and he's a Cleric. I usually play at evening or night, so there's that.
Let me know!