All I see are terrible second and third line IA. (Same as mine. ;-;)
You know what the most frustrating part of this is? That he's been told no fewer than three separate times that queen's breath will one-shot you if you're soloing, and that it's trivial to simply move behind her to avoid it, and yet still he cries about how it's not fair or something.
We've all been there. New to the game, new to a boss, new to a class, etc. The more frustrating thing to me is...
He called night walker, night lord... how will thief class ever recover?
I think he took some offensive to your first post (text is hard to convey emotion!) and stuck to his guns of the content needing a change.
There's been some rudeness on both sides, for sure.
While we're on the topic of boss adjustments, I'd actually like to see NZakum buffed. He's a complete push over.
The only time you can't easily kill him as soon as you hit 90 is on reboot, where he has huge damage reduction due to levels.
However as soon as you get a few levels he becomes trivial again. Maybe borrow some of that power from CZak, who has a little bit too much sponge abilities.
This is as far as I can go when it stop keeping history.
Why would I lie about my 12 yrs?
Do you ever remember the jump quest with the big watermelon when if you touch the Hogul you would fail or being taken out from that event.
Do you remember old Sleepywood of Kill 999 of these Zombie mushrooms signs and which others like drumming bunnies existed. Party dungeons were old back in my days. Yet the Hangout spot was in Henesey hunting grounds about 2-3 areas above with the same mobs snail, blue snail, red, shroom, etc. At the top you would meet random parents with Amoria Music. Monster Canrival PQ and ludi PQ were big back in those days of 2007-2008.
Yet you still don't understand i don't care about damage output numerous times i stated that. Your 2 yrs based on your class picture bluntly explains you enjoy Damage which it's okay to rush.
4mth old Table at least, but that's not all. I have 3 more tables like this for Bellocan classes. Recently added 3 new slots in Nova, Bellocan is at max cap. So if you don't understand this table. You don't understand my main goal. Orchestrated by power hungry kids looks like I have to Move (Root Abyss) to end Game material given whatever i have on is **** compare to power hungry kids whom had more time on their hands.
But none of your screenshots and graphs explain why you know that queen's breath attack one-shots, yet you still make no attempts to avoid it.
Honestly at this point, I'm done with you. I've tried to help you, as have many others(and the advice I've seen in here has been fantastic if given to someone who finds themselves struggling), yet you refuse to take any of the advice given. I mentioned this thread in discord last night and one of the first things anyone said was that you're not looking for help, you're just looking for people to agree with you.
So for the purposes of this thread, you've gotten your help. If you still can't do anything even after everything everyone has told you then that's your problem, not mine.
But none of your screenshots and graphs explain why you know that queen's breath attack one-shots, yet you still make no attempts to avoid it.
Honestly at this point, I'm done with you. I've tried to help you, as have many others(and the advice I've seen in here has been fantastic if given to someone who finds themselves struggling), yet you refuse to take any of the advice given. I mentioned this thread in discord last night and one of the first things anyone said was that you're not looking for help, you're just looking for people to agree with you.
So for the purposes of this thread, you've gotten your help. If you still can't do anything even after everything everyone has told you then that's your problem, not mine.
OMG holy **** child still stuck on that little aspect which i didn't care for even when doing a test run to where I'm at. How about you turn maple story back into 2007 which it took forever to Lv in my days. Congrats on tilting me get the **** out.
Excuse me, "your" days? What, you think you're the only one to have played this back then?
I played before pirates were released. I was a kid. I got bored, I quit. I came back when pirates were released, played one to 43, got bored and quit again because, y'know, still a kid. Came back at big bang, played a battle mage and didn't like it, so played a ranger instead and got to around 70-ish. Quit that for a mech when they came out, got that to 120 or so and quit because, once again, got bored as all hell. Came back in 2014 and been here on-and-off ever since.
Moving on...
You have absolutely no right or room to act insulted in this thread. Everyone else who took the time to write up fantastic advice for you, explaining how to improve your gear, showing you that the root abyss bosses can easily be cleared if you understand the mechanics, every single one of them has more of a right to be insulted than you. Why, you might be wondering? Because they wasted their time. They took time out of their day, however minuscule an amount it may've been, to explain things for you, to try and help you. And you took each and every word of their posts and threw it out the window.
You are, quite honestly, the worst type of person. You're too pig-headed about this to be trolling, yet you blow off every single person who gives you advice in any form, all because it's not what you're looking for: to be told "you are right". And no one, not a single person who is able to capably retain information, will tell you that you are right. Because you, unequivocally, are wrong.
For once, I agree; this thread has gotten entirely out of hand. Specifically because you refuse to accept any advice given to you, and reported at least one comment for "harassment", despite the comment in question containing absolutely nothing but sound, polite advice.
As others have pointed out numerous times, you should make efforts to improve your gear:
Collect your class' Emblem
Fight Zakum for the Eye and Face accessories; the set bonus provided by the Boss Accessory set will be worth it. You indicated in a PM to me that they were ugly, in which case I advise waiting for a transparent item sale, or using a fusion anvil.
Try upgrading to Pensalir gear. It's very common in training areas around your level, and hardly a grind.
Try fighting Horntail for the Silver Blossom Ring and Horntail Pendant.
Try the Heizan dungeon to obtain Kanna's Ring, Hayato's Shoulder, and Ayame's Belt.
Start the Gollux questline by accepting the quest "[Crimsonheart] To Grendel's Library" located under the lightbulb icon on the left-hand side of the screen. Some of the Gollux accessories can be farmed by killing the shoulders and abdomen, as it is not necessary to kill Gollux's head if you do not want to.
There are guides available online which can lead you through content quickly and without issue.
For upgrade materials, you should make use of in-game systems to obtain things like cubes and scrolls:
Use the Fairy Brothers' Daily Gift to obtain things such as cubes and flames. Assuming you started the Daily Gift today, you would receive a Powerful Rebirth Flame in more days (2 flames if you are at least Bronze-tier MVP). The daily gift only requires 300 mob kills a day, and the gift can be claimed by clicking on the green calendar icon on the lower-right section of the screen and selecting "Daily Gift".
Use the Monster Collection to obtain reward points, spell traces, and occult/master cubes. Monster Collection might be difficult to set up, but once you have a good collecting of monster sets you can regularly obtain rewards on a daily basis. You may try going for the Chryse set; it's a relatively easy 24-hour expedition to obtain, as it does not include any elite monsters, and two of the monsters appear during a stage that involves dozens of mobs spawning at any given time, meaning they're rather easy to collect.
Reward points can be used to purchase red and black cubes, as well as safety scrolls and such. Bosses and monster collection are the primary earners of reward points.
Set up your legion by having at least 500 levels across all characters total in a particular world. Once you have your legion set up, any characters in your legion will earn coins for you, even while you're offline. Legion coins can be used to purchase Powerful Rebirth Flames, Epic Potential Scrolls, Master Cubes, Bonus Potential Scrolls, and so on (as well as EXP coupons and leveling potions for your future characters).
Additionally, you should familiarize yourself with Root Abyss boss mechanics. For normal RA: Von Bon
Jump over or duck beneath Von Bon's energy balls
When Von Bon jumps, jump as well; make sure you aren't on the ground when he lands. You will know Von Bon is jumping because he will make a distinctive noise.
Lure Von Bon into the black clocks, and make him avoid the white clocks. Black clocks increase the time you have in the battle, white clocks decrease.
Try to keep yourself some distance away or otherwise behind Pierre, to avoid his umbrella
Dodge his hats by noting the markers on the ground
Pay attention to his color when he changes, and the color of the hat you're put in when he changes. As the battle states, attacking Pierre when you're wearing the same color hat as him will heal him
For Blue Pierre, simply double-jump through him and run to the other side of the map
For Red Pierre, simply move away when he vanishes.
Crimson Queen
Avoid Crimson Queen's breath. It cannot be tanked unless you possess a skill that grants invincibility from %HP attacks, a skill that absorbs a one-hit KO, or if you are in a party and all party members stand inside the breath
Stay out of reach of Crimson Queen's claws, they will inflict various status conditions; her claws can be avoided by jumping through Crimson Queen behind her.
Do not attack Crimson Queen when she triggers her damage reflect (denoted by the blood-red barrier surrounding her)
Kill Crimson Queen's Mirror as soon as it spawns, such as by using skills that target multiple mobs. If you do not kill the mirror, it will seduce you and kill you.
Double-jump out of the way when Crimson Queen spawns her vortex.
Double Jump out of the way any time Vellum comes out of the ground. Watch the ground for the yellow markers (indicating where Vellum will pop up) and his normal digging
When Vellum is about to fire his meteors, his growl will be different. Pay attention, and try to stay behind Vellum at all times
When Vellum fires his poison, he doesn't growl differently, the poison will be denoted by the green markers on the ground.
When Vellum is about to jump, the yellow marker will be much larger. You may attack Vellum with certain ranged attacks while he is jumping, but not all of them will hit
Finally, if gearing up proves difficult or impossible, find a party, or someone to carry you through. I will note that this may be more difficult than simply getting better gear, however, as you're attempting to do regular Root Abyss, and not many people offer carries for normal mode.
Please don't dismiss other users trying to help you, or call them names and insult their intelligence, or report them for merely trying to help. The people in this thread are, to an extent, only trying to help you get better at the game so you can have a more enjoyable experience with these bosses. When you dismiss and berate them, it comes across as egotistical, rude, and haughty.
Your account's age isn't particularly a selling point on authority; many users, such as myself, have also been here for many years. We are trying to help you become better; an account being older doesn't make it better if you don't put in the effort to try.
That's all the advice I can give. If you don't want to follow it, that's your decision.
Thread close reason: thread derailment, infighting.
- No one is going to understand your own agenda.(Follow your own path)
- The mods will standby the majority of people against your ideals or opinions.
- Be cautions of belittlement and ignorance which can tilt anyone.
- Getting the help you needed is just a PM away, others may sugarcoat it to a point which you feel you suck.
History has shown through different forum sites, lolforums this site is no exception.
Taking advice, but taking the same advice over and over again. Is like someone nagging at you to
. So If this society can't read, look, or listen humanity is at all time low. For once we can blame technology. If at my work if i said " Excuse me sir can you read the sign?" If i kept repeating myself in that time in place, even in different phrases, what feeling does the member feel like?
If this thread gets locked once again. I hereby declare he must resign.
I mean all the advice given to you is do-able at your phase of the game. I've been there, i believe that we all have been in your shoes where we have been learning to play the game. The difference between you and the rest of the players is that while we learn from others that give us advice, you push it back because it is "not your preferred" way of playing a game. That is all. If you choose not to accept a veteran's advice, that is your choice. However do not create animosity on the forums because you do not like someone's advice.
If you just wanted to declare that something needed to be nerfed, you'd have fared better if you just came right out and said it instead of trying to obfuscate it as asking for help and then dismissing everything that wasn't an agreement with your belief that certain things are "too hard".
I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this, everyone tried to give you the help that you asked for. You've no one to blame but yourself for getting all worked up over this. Personally, I think you owe everyone who took the time to try and help you an apology for having wasted their time, but I suppose it'll be good reference material to point others to in the future if they feel they've plateaued progress-wise.
And yes this thread is going to end up locked. That's generally what happens when you make one thread that gets locked, and immediately make another one about the same thing right after the previous one has been locked. So I guess have a good resignation, bud.
If you just wanted to declare that something needed to be nerfed, you'd have fared better if you just came right out and said it instead of trying to obfuscate it as asking for help and then dismissing everything that wasn't an agreement with your belief that certain things are "too hard".
I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this, everyone tried to give you the help that you asked for. You've no one to blame but yourself for getting all worked up over this. Personally, I think you owe everyone who took the time to try and help you an apology for having wasted their time, but I suppose it'll be good reference material to point others to in the future if they feel they've plateaued progress-wise.
And yes this thread is going to end up locked. That's generally what happens when you make one thread that gets locked, and immediately make another one about the same thing right after the previous one has been locked. So I guess have a good resignation, bud.
No I wanted common sense, but than the videos pop into the fray which made it possible it seem, than belittling my gear was more than enough to derail the entire thread through insulting my knowledge of 12 yrs playing this game doesn't help me accept any advice from kids.
You failed to understand who should resign their privileges.
Clearly this VFM that's locking threads doesn't want to own up to anything, needless to say I'v sent a ticket against him, since he can't be an reasonable adult with these extra privileges.
- Do not use conflicts you have with others forum members as discussion points.
To prevent further action against yourself I recommend you call it a night and stop creating threads complaining about being given standard advice by the community and the repercussions you have faced doing so.
Clearly they need stop locking threads, because the bluntly ignoring on PM's>
So this is a suggestion thread nothing more.
- To carefully solve issues that's what PM's are there for, aren't they?
- Yet if they refuse PM reply back there's not much i can do about it, beside suggest resignation?
- I guess no one here is adult that has no sense of responsibility besides myself.
We've all been there. New to the game, new to a boss, new to a class, etc. The more frustrating thing to me is...
I think he took some offensive to your first post (text is hard to convey emotion!) and stuck to his guns of the content needing a change.
There's been some rudeness on both sides, for sure.
While we're on the topic of boss adjustments, I'd actually like to see NZakum buffed. He's a complete push over.
The only time you can't easily kill him as soon as you hit 90 is on reboot, where he has huge damage reduction due to levels.
However as soon as you get a few levels he becomes trivial again. Maybe borrow some of that power from CZak, who has a little bit too much sponge abilities.
This is as far as I can go when it stop keeping history.
Why would I lie about my 12 yrs?
Do you ever remember the jump quest with the big watermelon when if you touch the Hogul you would fail or being taken out from that event.
Do you remember old Sleepywood of Kill 999 of these Zombie mushrooms signs and which others like drumming bunnies existed. Party dungeons were old back in my days. Yet the Hangout spot was in Henesey hunting grounds about 2-3 areas above with the same mobs snail, blue snail, red, shroom, etc. At the top you would meet random parents with Amoria Music. Monster Canrival PQ and ludi PQ were big back in those days of 2007-2008.
Yet you still don't understand i don't care about damage output numerous times i stated that. Your 2 yrs based on your class picture bluntly explains you enjoy Damage which it's okay to rush.
4mth old Table at least, but that's not all. I have 3 more tables like this for Bellocan classes. Recently added 3 new slots in Nova, Bellocan is at max cap. So if you don't understand this table. You don't understand my main goal. Orchestrated by power hungry kids looks like I have to Move (Root Abyss) to end Game material given whatever i have on is **** compare to power hungry kids whom had more time on their hands.
Honestly at this point, I'm done with you. I've tried to help you, as have many others(and the advice I've seen in here has been fantastic if given to someone who finds themselves struggling), yet you refuse to take any of the advice given. I mentioned this thread in discord last night and one of the first things anyone said was that you're not looking for help, you're just looking for people to agree with you.
So for the purposes of this thread, you've gotten your help. If you still can't do anything even after everything everyone has told you then that's your problem, not mine.
OMG holy **** child still stuck on that little aspect which i didn't care for even when doing a test run to where I'm at. How about you turn maple story back into 2007 which it took forever to Lv in my days. Congrats on tilting me get the **** out.
I played before pirates were released. I was a kid. I got bored, I quit. I came back when pirates were released, played one to 43, got bored and quit again because, y'know, still a kid. Came back at big bang, played a battle mage and didn't like it, so played a ranger instead and got to around 70-ish. Quit that for a mech when they came out, got that to 120 or so and quit because, once again, got bored as all hell. Came back in 2014 and been here on-and-off ever since.
Moving on...
You have absolutely no right or room to act insulted in this thread. Everyone else who took the time to write up fantastic advice for you, explaining how to improve your gear, showing you that the root abyss bosses can easily be cleared if you understand the mechanics, every single one of them has more of a right to be insulted than you. Why, you might be wondering? Because they wasted their time. They took time out of their day, however minuscule an amount it may've been, to explain things for you, to try and help you. And you took each and every word of their posts and threw it out the window.
You are, quite honestly, the worst type of person. You're too pig-headed about this to be trolling, yet you blow off every single person who gives you advice in any form, all because it's not what you're looking for: to be told "you are right". And no one, not a single person who is able to capably retain information, will tell you that you are right. Because you, unequivocally, are wrong.
For once, I agree; this thread has gotten entirely out of hand. Specifically because you refuse to accept any advice given to you, and reported at least one comment for "harassment", despite the comment in question containing absolutely nothing but sound, polite advice.
As others have pointed out numerous times, you should make efforts to improve your gear:
For upgrade materials, you should make use of in-game systems to obtain things like cubes and scrolls:
Additionally, you should familiarize yourself with Root Abyss boss mechanics. For normal RA:
Von Bon
Finally, if gearing up proves difficult or impossible, find a party, or someone to carry you through. I will note that this may be more difficult than simply getting better gear, however, as you're attempting to do regular Root Abyss, and not many people offer carries for normal mode.
Please don't dismiss other users trying to help you, or call them names and insult their intelligence, or report them for merely trying to help. The people in this thread are, to an extent, only trying to help you get better at the game so you can have a more enjoyable experience with these bosses. When you dismiss and berate them, it comes across as egotistical, rude, and haughty.
Your account's age isn't particularly a selling point on authority; many users, such as myself, have also been here for many years. We are trying to help you become better; an account being older doesn't make it better if you don't put in the effort to try.
That's all the advice I can give. If you don't want to follow it, that's your decision.
Thread close reason: thread derailment, infighting.
- The mods will standby the majority of people against your ideals or opinions.
- Be cautions of belittlement and ignorance which can tilt anyone.
- Getting the help you needed is just a PM away, others may sugarcoat it to a point which you feel you suck.
History has shown through different forum sites, lolforums this site is no exception.
When you come to the forums asking for help, don't dismiss everyone who tries to help because it isn't what you want to hear
. So If this society can't read, look, or listen humanity is at all time low. For once we can blame technology. If at my work if i said " Excuse me sir can you read the sign?" If i kept repeating myself in that time in place, even in different phrases, what feeling does the member feel like?
If this thread gets locked once again. I hereby declare he must resign.
As a 12year Veteran Mapler why should I accept the same advice. I would be irritated like the member.
I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this, everyone tried to give you the help that you asked for. You've no one to blame but yourself for getting all worked up over this. Personally, I think you owe everyone who took the time to try and help you an apology for having wasted their time, but I suppose it'll be good reference material to point others to in the future if they feel they've plateaued progress-wise.
And yes this thread is going to end up locked. That's generally what happens when you make one thread that gets locked, and immediately make another one about the same thing right after the previous one has been locked. So I guess have a good resignation, bud.
You can't derail a train that's already left its tracks.
No I wanted common sense, but than the videos pop into the fray which made it possible it seem, than belittling my gear was more than enough to derail the entire thread through insulting my knowledge of 12 yrs playing this game doesn't help me accept any advice from kids.
You failed to understand who should resign their privileges.
- Do not use conflicts you have with others forum members as discussion points.
To prevent further action against yourself I recommend you call it a night and stop creating threads complaining about being given standard advice by the community and the repercussions you have faced doing so.
So this is a suggestion thread nothing more.
- To carefully solve issues that's what PM's are there for, aren't they?
- Yet if they refuse PM reply back there's not much i can do about it, beside suggest resignation?
- I guess no one here is adult that has no sense of responsibility besides myself.