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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
5th Job Advancement Arcane Stones?
So this is my FIRST ever 5th Job Character.
I did everything and now have the 3 Arcane Stone's in my Inventory.
Last night at about 1 AM PST. I activated the Blue one, Left it on all night to wake up later this afternoon to see MS had maintenance.
Now at about 4 AM i reclicked it just to make sure but it still said "I'm Recording Your Power On The Arcane Stone" or whatever.
2 Hour's later it still say's the same thing, when i click on the other one's it says "Arnt you using a different arcane stone?"
I just need help on what to do & i heard that the wait time between each stone is removed? Confirmed or No?
Any idea what's wrong with my Arcane Stone's? xD
But hey, free exp, so get off that lazy ass and get grinding. (jokes)
you can go to forsaken excavation site 2 to fill up the stones, you can even train there if youre weaker than youd like up to like 210