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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Change Account Region Opportunity
for the last couple of mouth Im trying to play my account in Scania world.
Unfortunately i cant make any significant progress in the game because of the lag i experience.
I play Maplestory for many years now and i figure that the only way i can realy play the game this days is by using the Europe servers (i live in Europe and played global version for a very long time).
I put a lot of effort and time into my account and the characters within. I cant start it all over from scratch.
Will i ever get the chance to move my account to the Europe server? i bet this will fix my and many others lags issues without making me start all over.
I know the world transfer is wildly requested by players but this is dream haven't yet been accomplished.
Thank you,
They've done a gateway (region) merge on SEA, so there exists some framework for moving characters from one region to another, however, it'd be way too complicated and most likely end up being somewhat unsatisfactory (a big thing would be that someone would end up losing their IGN because they are not unique across regions).
well i think that the IGN problem is acceptable if you need this transfer. i would give up my IGN for it...
I thought the gateway merge is a good opportunity for this transfer event so i want to bring this up
Not everyone is as willing as you to give up their name, however. This was a problem with guild names when renegades was added to the dumpster fire of galicia, arcania, el nido, demethos and zenith. No one ever wants to be the one to have to give up, willing or otherwise, their guild or character names.
The best you can do for now is just start playing on the EU side and hope that eventually something will be put in place to allow cross-region transfers.
i worked very hard on it and it's items...
even if i had to pay NX for this kind of transfer i would.
maybe the transfer for NX and changing IGNs will do for nexon :P