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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
The server is too laggy and inestable because all of those nasty botters, I can't do Damien boss because lag bugs it!
I'ts incredible that nexon decided not to remove kishin and don't fix the servers, i have reported them and i don't see that the problem is solved, it's getting worse.
Yeah, except Kishin is such a vital part of the game at this point. Those with no Frenzy Totem or are too poor to buy Frenzy/Kishin service usually make their own kishin mules for increased spawn rates. Kishin is even more vital in Reboot, where Kannas are used by all sorts of people to meso farm.
They need to seriously think out what they're gonna do in place of Kishin, or else they can expect a tidal wave of criticism coming.
I had played this game before the existence of the sengoku characters as a F2P player and yeah, maple is Hard for farming mesos but is a MMORPG and for progress you need to join forces in party.
Ha ha ha is kishin he vitality of Reboot?. I remember that Reboot was born because the other worlds were easy with P2W, and the players wanted some difficulty in the game and now "Kishin is the vitality of Reboot because of meso farming", No, Reboot was supposed to be Hard and players of that World want the things easier.
My point here is: Bera is unplayable because of the high latency cause of Kishin.
How you feel about something does not discount how others feel about it. You may not care, but 90% of reboot's players will.
Removing the spawn rate increase doesn't even have to be a nerf. Just increase drop/exp rate on the map by 2x.
If Kishin should be such a great skill for EXP/Drop is debatable.
While it is annoying to see this "We want it easier" mentality, it's something we can choose to avoid.
The extra lag created by Kishin spam across the server is not.
Opinions on the ease of the game aside, Kishin does pose major problems that Nexon cannot take too seriously.
Will it piss off the people who dropped hundreds on marvel for a frenzy totem(or RMT'd for it)? Probably. But it would not be the first time an item that once was massively desired and obscenely expensive was changed in a way that completely murdered its former value.
Will it help the game? I believe it would, yes. It would allow people to train at nearly the same speed afforded to them by kishin or frenzy, while hopefully taking some stress off the servers.
Gutting a skill is not the solution to server lag that is caused by something entirely different.
Oh jeez, you're right. I forgot about the good old days of kishin glitched maps
Its not like I had to go away to a funeral for a week and am now rushing to finish the tera burning character, with the 2xExp buff being frequently wiped because I die from a non responsive life pot button or anything super frustrating like that...
asking many people I am amazed by their answers, they would not play with kanna if nexon removes the kishin because this is an important skill in the game and more in people who do not have to buy frenzy, if nexon eliminates or modifies this skill, it should also nerf the frenzy totem and this just an economic downturn for nexon
change this skill by drop, buff, would affect another job, the bishops and best tamers, remember also that there are passive nodes, like hs and bless, nexon made a mistake, the merged, not fix the bugs of the game and the anti hack system very poor for a simple launcher, the crash of the game are huge, these errors are years ago before kanna appeared in global ms, the merged was the worst mistake they made, the solution was to unite all the worlds, any user logear to any server of each world with your friends or clan wherever you like, bera-dementos-kahini-chaos -scania etc. simple and easy solution
this problem will persist so remove kishin or change the skill or remove the character, the hackers have new ideas and ways to continue doing illicit activities. some think as a solution the number implement phone number, a fatal error because hackers use harmful and false pages to create false numbers and emails
nexon must implement a great maintenance of days, to solve all this and for the good of his community
Well when they find the solution that is,is nonsense to put a maintenance of days when they dont have a solution for the global picture of the problem which is instability and lag.
I'm really debating whether or not I should come back just to level up on my Mechanic to 200 and just call it quits from there.