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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
CRASH while farming mesos
I made my account 3 months ago and I only had like 4 or 5 crashes until this update. After the v.202, when Im mesofarming with my kanna in byebye station my game crash and it appears in the pick world menu. Im doing the same as always but now the game crash. What I do is, I go in the map, use leprechaun familiar, active the rune, use kishin and I telefarm until 2:30 mins and I use kishin again and I continue telefarming until the next kishin, but now when I do the second kishin like at 3 or 4 minutes the game crash.
I dont know what happens, it could be kishin, the new pet from alliance, familiar...I dont know but its very hard progress without farming mesos.
I would like to know if someone else have this issue and if nexon knows about this problem
World: EU reboot
Character: Pabloo92, demon slayer, lvl 212
World: Bera
Character: Knutaditto, Theif lvl 215
Date/Time 1/26/19 at 4:07 PM PST
Repro Steps: I was fighting Chaos Zakum, died twice, and the client closed when I died for a 3rd time.
About a half hour previously, I was attempting to change equips on Merceighty (Mercedes, lvl 155) while in El Nath, when the client closed. I had done a full shutdown a couple of days ago because I hoped it would fix all the crashing, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference.
This has been happening since last night 1/26, and happened sever