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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Fusion Anvils ( Belgium) Name Change Coupon , VIP
Bug type: Fusion Anvils removed from CashShop
Name Change Coupons
VIP Hair/Face/Skin Coupons
Brief bug summary: As of the new Proactive measures against Belgians , They also removed those items i mentioned above
More details: It is Sold Out or just doesnt show up
Character name: Scorms
Character level:251
Character job:Shade
World name:Reboot
Date and time of the incident:02/15/2019
(Cubes, Ability circulator, etc)
The Fusion Anvil, Name Change, and VIP cosmetic coupons will be available for the Belgium players soon.
We are still looking into and discussing about the cubes/circulator.
Surely the removal of cubes for Belgian reboot players must have been an oversight, right? You said yourself that anything with an element of chance that was available for a virtual currency purchased with real money would be removed. Paraphrased, of course.
Since Craftman's Gift does provide random rewards when opened, Fusion Anvils will continue to be restricted.
However, as mentioned, the Name Change and VIP cosmetic coupons should be available soon!
As mentioned, we are still discussing and looking into the issue. We'll try to update the community as soon as possible.
I went looking and I found this thread that lists the rewards you could get from one of those boxes. The thread is significantly out of date, going back to 2012 if the search results are to be believed. Even so, I can't imagine anyone having decided to shake up the contents of the box since then.
Perhaps it could be brought up to simply remove this box, to no longer have one given to a player that uses an anvil and, as such, reintroduce fusion anvils for Belgian players?
We'll take this suggestion into consideration. Thank you
poor belgians lol instead of changeing system they restrict them