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What to do with old coins?
I have many, many, old coins, going back many years.
I real life I might be able to change them at the bank, or at least drop them into a charity box.
What, if anything, can I do with them in Maple?
My advice would be to hang onto them if you have the room (you never know!) or to just toss them starting with the oldest ones if you don't.
We got two of those, and they were the V and override updates. The exchange rates were also nowhere near 1:1, so it was more of "if you stocked up and missed out on one of these two previous events, you can exchange your coins here". And even then, I think it was only hero coins from the events that came with heroes of maple.
At this point, if you're not sitting on literally hundreds of event coins from more than three years ago, you can safely dumpster them unless you want to hang onto them because nostalgia.
I have enough storage space, so can wait a few decades for the next trade-in event.
Thanks for the feed back