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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Something from MS2 that would really benefit MS1.
Would also require, on nexon's end of things(the devs, not the publishers; yes there's a difference), reworking the party system so that it doesn't cut exp per kill by almost half just for having a second person in the party and in the same map.
What gets me is that they know what to do about it and aren't doing it for some reason. I can't assume what to know what trials they have to overcome to make it work, but the last time PQ's were a thing was when there was a special event to get stack-able slime chairs 2 years back. Even something like that brings a lot of value back to PQ's, even if they're not willing to overhaul the system itself, but it does not seem to be a high priority for them either way.