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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
I was wondering if nexon can take a look at the chance rates for cube lines.
I feel like % all stats lines are near non-existent now...
in all Reds, Blacks, and meisters, it seems like I get A all stats line in about 10-25 rolls, and usually, it's 6%.
after about 100 cubes on a scarlet shoulder, I've gotten one 9% line twice...
cubing never used to be this bad, and it makes me sad that rolling 21% STR/DEX/LUK/INT seems to happen every 20-25 cubes...
I main xenon, so it's nearly impossible for me to upgrade gear when I can't even get the lines to roll.
I'm getting upset that I spend money on this game and I blow 50k nx on nothing useless.
I know for sure that cubing did not use to be this bad rng.
I've also seen that cubes tend to have a lot of %hp/mp and % chance to do x lines now, which never seemed to be the case.
I'm asking that nexon please look again at the code to see if something is broken, as it's been this way for a little while, and I can't progress and my friends are leaving me for harder bosses now ._.
all I get over and over is a 1L of STR/DEX/LUK/INT, then pretty much a 90% chance there's a % chance to do X line, and like 70% chance, there's a %hp/% Mp line.
the % chance to do X shouldn't even be in the legendary pots pool. The Hp recovery items and skills line aren't very useful at all since everyone is using % hp-based potions.
This game only caters to whales who spend a ridiculous amount of money on it.
Why this game expects you to spend 600 dollars a month when other games such as world of warcraft charge only 15 dollars and month and you can get everything you need in the game.
Another major flaw is, all the meso you need to upgrade, you are forced to get it from someone, or merch stuff in auction house, since the 10m 5 hours of grinding will barely pay for 1-5 star force.

Also been on bera for about 5 years
never seen 24% stat and up, only 21% at the most about 10-15 times
feel like making cubes is a waste of time, because I get like 50% chance of 1L now.