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Damien guide

Member Ivangold
Reactions: 2,985
Posts: 588
edited May 2019 in Game Guides
Damien is one of Black Mage's commanders, and a different boss than others because of his few attacks and constantly teleport making him a lot more invulnerable, he's a lot more powerfull than at the start of his story because he stole the power of the Transcendent of Life Alicia.

To be able to fight him you will need to complete the act 4 of Heroes of Maple, just the act 4, might take 30minutes or even less time.


Damien have two difficulties, one for Normal and other for Hard, but their only difference is their health, both will be able to drop soul shards of his and coins that can be used to get absolab equipments, hard mode can drop the equipment themselves that are obtainable in his shop.

-In order to solo him, you might need around 3m rang clean in normal servers and 5/6m in Reboot to clear Normal mode.
Hard probably 10times more, 30m rang clean and maybe 50m for Reboot, thought that's a bit harder to tell.


His shop require a special coin that can be only craftable with coins from Damien and coins from the Dailies in World Tree(the map/place where Damien is), you can do 3 quests+one that give other 2 drops from completing all 3.

Note: You need 20 coins from dailies and 1 from Damien to craft one shop coin.

The main problem for the players is his teleport, he constantly teleport to do attacks or go after the most agressive player, binds are NECESSARY for this boss since he hardly stays in one place for more than 5seconds(aside from using one or two attacks) and teleporting+attack can take multiple seconds to make him go back in the field.

@@@Damien itself has one main mechanic in the boss that you will have to constantly watch for, the mark inflinged on players.

This mark will be given whenever you take one attack that doesn't hit kill you from Damien or after 30/18seconds have passed in Phase1/Phase 2 for the most agressive player in the map.

You can clear the marks with this Altar that will spawn every 20seconds in a random place of the map.

You can use this altar by HOLDING the NPC CHAT/HARVEST buttom in your keyboard, remember that all you can do is walk a bit off the center and crouch, skills and jump will cancel the cleanse and can potentially waste the chance to use the Altar(since it can disappear).

Note: Attacks from Damien/Swords will also stop you from cleansing yourself.


Note: i sugest only using the altar only if you have 4marks or more so you don't use too much time on it.

If you end up getting 7 marks you die and summon a sword, even if you use a iframe you will still die and summon a sword after the iframe ends.


This sword is the exact same as the one Damien summons in the first phase, but smaller, it will fly around the map and try to hit players on the way, every time it hits someone it takes 15% of their hp.

Note1: The sword knocks you a bit so any class who doesn't have 100% natural stance mihaile link skill is a real helper here.


After some time the sword(s) will try to aim at a player and fix themselves on the ground, trying damage periodically anyone close to it.


If you get hit by the sword when it's attacking it will take 90% of your health, one thing you can have in mind is you can pass throught it if you either go fast enough when it's not attacking or just take the hit and heal right after it.

The swords themselves aren't the big deal, but can be if you die with 7marks or someone/server lags summoning extra swords thinking you are hacking, that will make a hell depending on the situation.


The more swords, the harder it will be to do anything else and it basically snowballs out of control, remember these swords will also try to go in the ground potentially convering the entery map making nearly no safe spot for you stay, with Damien's attack you can die a lot easier.


@@@One other skill that will continue to stay in both phases is the hands, those will appear as balls in the map, after maybe 10seconds they will go straight in the ground trying to bind a player.

You can however, escape from it, but you need to hit a set of random key directions to be free, if you fail you will stay binded for other 10seconds, can be quite problematic.

Note: try not to heavy press your keys if you know you will get binded, so that you don't register a command you didn't want to and fail without a chance.


Now let's go to phase 1 attacks


@@@Remember he will spawn right at the start a big sword that will forever roam and re-spawn in phase 1.

@@@One of two annyoing attacks that he have in Phase 1 is his rush, he will prepare and attack a certain direction moving himself as well(sometimes he can go the oposiste way the boss is lagging).


The real problem is that even after he uses the rush you can still get damage from it and then a mark, so everytime he rushs everyone need to wait 1-2seconds so you can move and get closer to him, else you will get pushed and lose 11% of your health alongside a added mark.


@@@His other attack is the hit kill one(only one that hit kill in phase 1), he will charge for 3 seconds and the attack will hit the ground, kill all in the area, this attack can cover a large portion of the map at times having just corners or some space in the middle as a safe spot.


After that, he only have 2 other attacks that are easy to avoid:
@@@The balls he will summon from the sky, those do 90% damage if you touch, but it's only one area of the map that they will appear and they won't mark the player if hit.

Note: Thieves can use Dark sight to ignore em, like debris in Lotus or Magnus's balls.


@@@And his dive attack that will usually aim close to where he was in the sky(sometimes he can go the oposite direction in case he's lagging...), this attack takes 8% of your hp and can mark if you end up getting hit.


Now let's go to Phase 2 attacks


Phase 2 is much more deadly and hard to hit, he will constantly teleport randomly in the map, sometimes he will stay out of the map for some seconds before going back to just teleport again for one attack or go other part of the map, bind is even MORE important.

Note: There's also how he will mark a player every 18seconds instead of 30 in the first phase.


In phase 2 there's also another thing to lower player's damage, and it is blue balls that will be summoned as soon the fight start, these balls will make you do just 10% of your normal damage if you stay inside it's radius(similar to Magnus blue area, but the oposite), it will start with one and it will grow the more health you take from Damien, once he's close to dying he will summon more of the same size giving a big area where you can get nerfed; they also reduce your healing of potions by 90%, so try to stay away from them when you heal.


@@@The worst attack you have to constantly deal with is his normal rush, he will keep using it and travel large distances on the map aside that he can hit players(takes 9%hp) to knock em and mark em at the same time, making easier to get a mark than any other attack.


You can however dodge it by crouching, you can see the image bellow i was crouching and doged his rush and managed to not get a 7th mark and die.


@@@In this phase he will also use another rush, more similar to the first phase, but this one will hit kill if you take a hit, in this case he will rush and make 3 slashes into space, after 2 seconds they will cut anything and hit koing any player in the area of impact, luckly it's easy to dodge by staying in between.

Note: Try not to go into the slashes right after they cut/happen since they might still hit and kill you


@@@Other attack that you should have attention is his fire spin, where he throw balls in both directions of the map trying to hit the player.


If you get hit by one of em you lose 60% hp and get a mark, so you will need to quick recover HP if you get hit by it.


But, you can stay safe if you are right in the middle of it, that way you dodge the balls in both sides and can still attack Damien


@@@ There's one skill that he will only use after some time have passed in Phase 2, he will trap everyone in the map and also push everyone away from where he is, you can see in the imaage bellow that i got pushed away and went right into a yellow ball from his spin and died, so it's a bit of luck that you won't get pushed right into danger.


When he traps you, you have to fight to free yoursef and DAMAGE HIM, so that he won't hit kill everyone who was trapped, damaging him will make him tired and basically give a ''free'' bind to attack him.

Note: To free yourself faster you can press both right and left keys at the same time so it goes faster and make it easier to damage him.


Damien have 2 attacks that are really similar to the ones in Phase:
@@@ His Dive attack, now it can hit kill players, but it goes much further compared to phase 1, sometimes you might die by it if you didn't see him preparing to use this attack.


@@@ And the balls that are really similar, they just change shape and quantity, but their small size makes easier to dodge too.


One thing you can do overall is attack him in the air whenever he's doing something or using a skill:


Familiars and transparecy aren't really required, but you can use em.


If you wanna check the guide of the other boss who you can get Absolab equips, Lotus:


  • Member Rexaar
    Reactions: 3,655
    Posts: 927
    edited January 2019
    Fun fact (Not so fun fact for the victim): You can donate all the brands that you currently have to another party member by holding npc chat while on top of them.
  • Member Ivangold
    Reactions: 2,985
    Posts: 588
    edited January 2019
    Rexaar wrote: »
    Fun fact (Not so fun fact for the victim): You can donate all the brands that you currently have to another party member by holding npc chat while on top of them.

    But it adds the marks to the other person, so it can kill the other.
  • Member Ivangold
    Reactions: 2,985
    Posts: 588
    edited January 2019
    Just reminder that you can solo normal one with less rang 5m in normal servers.
  • Member Its2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited April 2019
    Another note: When the sword is fixed on the ground and dealing damage, the visual cues (sword animation) aren't in sync, but the sounds are in sync. You can pass through without taking damage when timed properly.

    The blue balls or Shadow Zones in Phase 2 will reduce healing potion/item effect by 90%.

    Dark Sight can resist the rooted quick-time event. Invincibility skills such as Chains of Hell or Final Cut can dodge his full-map attack.