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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
I'm farming on chu chu island, in the level range, only 7 levels above the mobs and they drop only 1 sack of meso even with a familiar (EoT)
Edit: Did I really just "state a fact"?
Ok I'm sorry for this idiotic thing right here, I TOTALLY forgot to ASK what I wanted ;-; ....silly me.
Question is : "Why?"
Normally I would get 2 sacks from mobs, uh let's say if I train on my Byebye station meso farmer, I would get 2 sacks, not 1.
How come?
I'm laughing so hard for that mess up, didn't even notice it.
Good thing you said that, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed I didn't even ask my question.
Don't know how I just skipped that part and posted this... Edited the post ^ lmao.