Brief bug summary:
Lucid from the very start is state of enraged permanently. It doesn't state its enraged but you could clearly tell the amount of spawns and action compare to non enraged state from last patch
Enraged mean a lot more golem spawns, more butterfly spawn, more mushroom spawns, and more actions.
More details:
Hard lucid is the same thing.
Steps to reproduce:
Enter hard/normal lucid.
Character name: Yukipie
Character level: 250
Character job: Evan
World name: Reboot
Date and time of the incident: 1:45 am est/10:45 pst
I have experienced this issue as well. As has everyone I know. Please let us know if this is a glitch or intended. I pretty much have been avoiding the boss because of it.
But yeah, this should be publicly addressed.
As if GMs knew what they were talking about lmfao
Yeah please notify the higher up if this is intended and if so please make a public post or something
If not please fix it, even tho its clearable its add that much stress to any party thats running.