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illium second job advancement bug

Reactions: 100
Posts: 2
in Bug Reporting
i am trying to train one illium for link skill and i used mega burnning. I bought the tranport stone to finish the quest line faster. I receive the last prequest for 2nd job advancement but i cannot find the right person and i did not listen to the explanation from the quest line. i flied to other places and try to find the person that i need to finish the quest line. After that, I found them and finished all quest line but i cannot get the 2nd job advancement. Now i am lv61 but stiill not finishing 2nd job advancement. Can you fix the bug ASAP?


  • SexyduckSexyduck
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 2
    edited August 2019
    pls see this. I dont want to train one illium again adn i dont want to lose the burning event
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited August 2019
    Ignoring that you're currently able to burn two characters simultaneously this time, deleting a burning character will allow you to burn a new one.

    That aside, I poked around on google and according to a reddit comment I found, using a teleport rock breaks something that causes you to be unable to get your second job advancement. The advice offered was to delete the character and do it again, without using a teleport rock.

    The reddit comment:
    Using a hyper rock during 1st job seems to sequence break the game and not allow you to get 2nd job. I experience the same issue on my illium. Delete your character and start again, but this time around do not hyper rock during the 2nd job advancement at all.
  • GhibleeGhiblee
    Reactions: 3,795
    Posts: 684
    edited August 2019
    Yes, we include this notice in our Mega Burning web post in case of these issues: " (Please note that if you create an Illium character and select it as "Burning", you will need to complete your Illium questline first before teleporting out of the area. Otherwise, you won't be able to get your 2nd job advancement properly)."

    We would like to recommend you to either try live chatting with our Support team or delete and re-create your Illium. You are able to create another burning character if you delete your currently burning chraracter.