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Got perma banned on my main (kanna)


  • surisuri
    Reactions: 635
    Posts: 31
    edited August 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    None of this is going to help any of you get unbanned. I don't know why you think making a public spectacle of your issue where no support staff involve themselves will help you

    While that may be the case that posting here will not help them I don't think they are making a public spectacle of themselves posting here. Secondly I think they have a right to air their complaints. At the very least It will make other kanna's who may have been falsely banned today feel less alone and aware that YES something is wrong with nexon's auto ban system.

    Thirdly I would like to vouch for WIllofKishin too he is most definitely legit and I am a L275 junior in the same guild as him. I got to L275 about a week ago and he was trying to get to L255 about the same time as I got to L275. Basically we were each others motivation to train hard and reach our intended goals !
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited August 2019
    Here's why these things are kept off the forums as much as the mods are able to: for all I or anyone else knows, you both botted your way to your levels. Want to deny it? You wouldn't be the first ones to insist on your innocence until it comes out that, whoops, you actually did the do.

    Sounds like a pretty unfair accusation, doesn't it? But all you can really counter with is "I swear I'm legit, no really". Which gets you about as far as "I didn't hack, it was my brother on my account. I got up for five minutes I swear". That's why this sort of thing is no longer given a place on the forums. It just ends in a mess.
  • lastblade1998lastblade1998
    Reactions: 215
    Posts: 4
    edited August 2019
    Good morning, gentlemen of Nexon, my request is for the permanent blocking of my Nexon account, which affects my main character iKannä Lv. 226, on the "Deep in the Cavern - Lower Path 2" map using the "Kishin Shoukan" ability to help a friend level up, and out of nowhere I disconnect from the game, upon logging in again I received a warning saying that My account is permanently locked, I would like your help, since my account is only logged in to my personal computer.
    Check my account history (Clean) well, it should be taken into account that I am not even using illegal programs for my benefit, I think they should have a little more criteria and analyze my case well, since I see that there are several people who say the same about a permanent blocking of their accounts (Kanna).
    Thanks for your help.
    Sincerely, Alejandro Roman
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited August 2019
    Contact support. You can't be helped on the forums.
  • surisuri
    Reactions: 635
    Posts: 31
    edited August 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Here's why these things are kept off the forums as much as the mods are able to: for all I or anyone else knows, you both botted your way to your levels. Want to deny it? You wouldn't be the first ones to insist on your innocence until it comes out that, whoops, you actually did the do.

    Sounds like a pretty unfair accusation, doesn't it? But all you can really counter with is "I swear I'm legit, no really". Which gets you about as far as "I didn't hack, it was my brother on my account. I got up for five minutes I swear". That's why this sort of thing is no longer given a place on the forums. It just ends in a mess.

    Oh so now you are saying now that WillOfKishin is lying (without any proof of this yourself might i add ) and that he does not have a right to complain or air his grievances on this issue ? Also I am wondering why you think you have the right to specify what people can and can't post on these forums. Personally i think that as you are NOT a forum moderator yourself ( athough I am sure you wish that you were judging by your posts) that you let the moderators do THEIR job and let them decide what people can or can not post.
  • ManahManah
    Reactions: 330
    Posts: 11
    edited August 2019
    suri wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Here's why these things are kept off the forums as much as the mods are able to: for all I or anyone else knows, you both botted your way to your levels. Want to deny it? You wouldn't be the first ones to insist on your innocence until it comes out that, whoops, you actually did the do.

    Sounds like a pretty unfair accusation, doesn't it? But all you can really counter with is "I swear I'm legit, no really". Which gets you about as far as "I didn't hack, it was my brother on my account. I got up for five minutes I swear". That's why this sort of thing is no longer given a place on the forums. It just ends in a mess.

    Oh so now you are saying now that WillOfKishin is lying (without any proof of this yourself might i add ) and that he does not have a right to complain or air his grievances on this issue ? Also I am wondering why you think you have the right to specify what people can and can't post on these forums. Personally i think that as you are NOT a forum moderator yourself ( athough I am sure you wish that you were judging by your posts) that you let the moderators do THEIR job and let them decide what people can or can not post.

    Calm down.

    I have made another ticket with my main account. This time I have included these few thread but not the one on reddit and received a different response from a GM.

    If anyone that sees this post and still haven't submitted their ticket yet. Try including these thread and the one on reddit.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited August 2019
    suri wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Here's why these things are kept off the forums as much as the mods are able to: for all I or anyone else knows, you both botted your way to your levels. Want to deny it? You wouldn't be the first ones to insist on your innocence until it comes out that, whoops, you actually did the do.

    Sounds like a pretty unfair accusation, doesn't it? But all you can really counter with is "I swear I'm legit, no really". Which gets you about as far as "I didn't hack, it was my brother on my account. I got up for five minutes I swear". That's why this sort of thing is no longer given a place on the forums. It just ends in a mess.

    Oh so now you are saying now that WillOfKishin is lying (without any proof of this yourself might i add ) and that he does not have a right to complain or air his grievances on this issue ? Also I am wondering why you think you have the right to specify what people can and can't post on these forums. Personally i think that as you are NOT a forum moderator yourself ( athough I am sure you wish that you were judging by your posts) that you let the moderators do THEIR job and let them decide what people can or can not post.

    And this is why they no longer have a dedicated "ban appeals" section of the forums. Because of this back-and-forth right here.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited August 2019
    Customer Support /Game Masters (GMs):
    - The Nexon forums are not a channel to contact Customer Support or Game Masters.
    - Use the support system to file tickets if you require assistance regarding account and billing inquiries or issues.

    No-one on these forums is able to ban, unban, or even look into game ban reasons. Only Customer Support can do that. Please submit your ban appeals there: http://support-maplestory.nexon.net

    We prefer to not have ban appeal story threads here, for the same reason we don't allow accusations or "naming and shaming": we have no way of knowing who is telling the truth, and these things often get ugly, as this thread already started to.

    We are leaving this thread open for now, for those who wish to post "me too"s anyway.

    Please avoid attacking each other or Nexon staff. Such attacks help no-one.
  • ManahManah
    Reactions: 330
    Posts: 11
    edited August 2019
    Guys, I have gotten the ban on my main lifted! But not my Kanna.

    Everybody hang on tight and be patient!
  • wthNoIDwthNoID
    Reactions: 970
    Posts: 54
    edited August 2019
    post like this that make me worry a bit
    good thing im to lazy to train my kanna... tho... i do want to get my kanna to 150 and i did kinda log into them looking for a item

    i wonder by sounds of it skills triggering it?
  • luna02luna02
    Reactions: 1,255
    Posts: 73
    edited August 2019
    it's a joke? Some in this post are hypocrites to support this person's unfair ban .. most people have used mule kannas to upload other characters on lvl .. it is ironic how there are false bans when the biggest problem is bots or hackers in the game, this game is alive for these unfortunately ... but the gms in the game always make the mistake of banning players who use another pc or just being on a map where hackers usually train, more seriously ... people don't It is rich to acquire a frenzy totem or have good teams ... and even worse, legitimate players who play kanna are banned for no reason and this is not old, this happened recently with false bans and apologies partly in the memos. .. unusual activity of the kishin skill ... kishin have cd .. to click this again it is impossible for the ban to be for kishin, I think the ban was more for the map and for the game system that is sincerely poor and I talk about it a few months ago
  • SherriSherri
    Reactions: 3,375
    Posts: 309
    edited August 2019
    Huh.. just got back into the game after a while.. I see they still ban innocent Kannas. :l
  • KorunikKorunik
    Reactions: 510
    Posts: 18
    edited August 2019
    so my only question is; why are people being banned for using a skill they implimented into the game to be used? if this keeps at it just get rid of the whole class and everyones kanna's then y'all wouldnt have problems lmao
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited August 2019
    Korunik wrote: »
    so my only question is; why are people being banned for using a skill they implimented into the game to be used? if this keeps at it just get rid of the whole class and everyones kanna's then y'all wouldnt have problems lmao

    Same reason it always happens. They make an adjustment to their auto-ban criteria and tell not a single soul until players, quite literally sometimes, start dropping like flies. You'd think at this point they'd see this kind of thing coming and just leave well enough alone.
  • lastblade1998lastblade1998
    Reactions: 215
    Posts: 4
    edited August 2019
    Sincerely, nexon gentlemen for me and for several of us you do not fulfill your work well, as it is possible that you bann kanna main or kannas mules for slight or help a friend, do not be the ones who do not know by telling us to send a ticket, so that we write things that you say are supposed to review our case, always write the same and this is already annoying, you have a database, rather our game history and know who is legal and who is not, the irony is that you have a clear account of transparent people and I include myself because since I started the game I have always been transparent and directed to the rules of the game both me and other affected people who are Kannas. Gentlemen GM´s of Nexon will have good eyes, wake up !!!! you lie that you ban legal accounts that have cost us time, dedication, perseverance and much suffering to have achieved the progress that we have had so far each one, now in this moment the other people who break all their rules of the game that if they use another Illegal programs must be playing right now; damaging the game, laughing at the action you have taken to ban legal accounts, they must be happy while we legal game users are sad and upset about what you do to your legal players.
  • AllowedAllowed
    Reactions: 1,045
    Posts: 83
    edited August 2019
    Uh, i have been playing kanna voor 2 months( i think) and haven't been banned.
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited September 2019
    WE CANT DO ANYTHING , WHAT DO U EXPECT THE COMMUNITY TO DO WHEN U POST THIS THINGS? Srsly , that a magic being misteriously unbanns u just because u posted it on the nexon forums?
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited September 2019
    wthNoID wrote: »
    post like this that make me worry a bit
    good thing im to lazy to train my kanna... tho... i do want to get my kanna to 150 and i did kinda log into them looking for a item

    i wonder by sounds of it skills triggering it?

    This kind of panic is what u get when people do this kind of posts, it helps no one