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Crashing on bosses

Reactions: 200
Posts: 4
edited August 2019 in Bug Reporting
I found one related discussion about crashing problems that have lasted couple weeks now, but it wasn't exactly the same issue, so i post mine too:

I CTD (crash to desktop) from almost every HARD Boss that i try. I have confirmed that this ctd'ing happens on atleast on chaos Zakum, Hard Hilla, Chaos Pink Bean encounters. The crashing occurs when boss deals a lot of damage in little time (like the % attacks and such). Also happened after Hilla binded me and used the next attack (this happened twice in practice mode and once in normal mode, all on same day week or two ago). I didn't crash on for example chaos Vellum and hard Magnus battles that my friend helped me with.

All of thease crashes happen the same way, screen goes black, it plays the sound that you get when you log in from the light bulb (I don't know what this means but I'm sure its important for tracking the problem), and then it goes straight to desktop, and doesn't give any error code, pop-up or anything.

If I after all this try to launch game from Nexon launcher without forcing the launcher shutdown from task manager after the crash and before trying to re-log, the game won't launch at all.

This isn't about my internet connection, its stable 1 ping 500mb up and 150mb down. I did force windows shutdown with the shutdown -s -f -t:0 but the problem persists. My computer is beefy enough to run most AAA games on High~Ultra, and i got enough RAM for 3 google chrome pages (/s).

I personally believe that this is caused by some sort of bug related to healthbar, or similar, because very similar crash happened me once when i leveled up on mule character with very low health, and when the healtbar skyrocketed, the game crashed. But since I haven't been able to recreate this lvl up crash, I can't be sure.

Is anyone else experiencing similar crashing?


  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited August 2019
    It would help if you specify which class you are, and maybe also which survival-related link skills or equipment skills you are using.
    A video would be best.
  • MemoMemo
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    I have the exact same problem as a shadower, I went in without pets or familiars but a few moments after I put on my familiar, I crashed to desktop. I'll try to post a video soon
  • hEnjoihEnjoi
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 4
    edited September 2019
    These crashes has occurred on my Dark knight. So i first thought the Final Pact skill might be the culprit (it causes all other kind of crashes that I'm too lazy to get into right now on this discussion), but then I tried same bosses with having it on cool-down (so it wouldn't trigger when I die) but the results were exactly same, crash to desktop like I described in the earlier post.

    I do now have pets using potion on me automatically, but these crashes started occurring before I even had the auto-hp potion skill on my pets. I also tried the bosses with and without familiars and pets, and it hasn't had any effect.

    I try to come up with a video that shows how the crashing happens.
  • hEnjoihEnjoi
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 4
    edited September 2019
    Just after posting the latest post, I managed to find that the Shaolin temples quest at floor 5-6 where you turn into that golden statue, and if you get hit by throwing star, turn into your normal form, crashes just like bosses! With the sound of the lightbulb and everything.

    This happened 3 times in last 10 minutes, first time when I entered, I had familiar [future Henesys pig] and pets [set of 3 pets gotten from adventure island event] , and the instance crashed as the black text box went off and I started moving. Second time I entered purposely without familiar, but still had the pets equipped, and the game crashed when i passed the first, enemy-like moving statue. Third time i took off all the three pets, and didn't have the familiar either, and I got a lot further in the quest. All the way to the point I was accidentally exposed by a throwing star, and an enemy hit me. I tried to attack back as a reflex, and as my spear swung, I Dc'ed just like I did couple times before. To get the game crash I used the Dark Impale skill (the standard mobbing move for DK).

    Somehow it seems to be related in very specific instances, that are not the very basic, town or mob map like basic maps.
  • hEnjoihEnjoi
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 4
    edited November 2019
    The issue has been resolved, after the latest patch (v.209). The game doesn't crash anymore on any of the encounters I listed above.
    "Fixed an issue where the client could sometimes close when the character dies." - quote from patch notes, I think this was the problem I encountered.