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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
I believe that the new Reward Points Cap implemented at 30k is a bit too low. As an endgame 210+ player, I would love to purchase all the cubes so 5 red cubes (6k), 5 black cubes (11k), both superior shielding wards(12k), which basically means I can't buy anything else for the rest of the month. I would be missing out on the pendant expansion, shielding scrolls, guardian scrolls, 1-day shops, and anything else that I might wish to buy. They are supposed to be "Reward" Points after all and the 30k cap seems to be a bit punishing for people committed to grinding out the points. At least a 50k cap per month seems more fair. What do you guys think?
Also, I'm curious to know where you get so many points, now that Star Planet is gone and Monster Collection got nerfed.
Log a ticket.
Since they never informed us of a reduction to the cap, this counts as a bug.
This is the first time I hit cap so I didn't know it worked like star planet when it came to capping.
On topic though, it's already hard enough to hit 45k. Personally I can't mathematically hit cap now that MC is nerfed unless I get really lucky w/ MC, sudden missions or get stronger. I like the idea, but won't do much good given the current difficulty getting RP to begin with.
I already sent a ticket to Nexon about this issue, but I got no answer from that sadly.
As for the bypassing cap, it's not my thing. For one, I'm not really too keen on training another char and funding it to a bossing level. Another thing is that, I'm not into bypassing stuff. The most I do when it comes to bypassing, is cc'ing or moving to another map after I spawn an elite in order to bypass the cooldown because I wanted that pumpkin chair so bad. Even then I felt guilty.
I prefer to play this game the way it's supposed to be played. And this may be a very unpopular opinion but I think all this RP purchases is making the company lose more in revenue. With the dwindling playerbase, it's worrying. They're losing revenue not just to keep the game up but also to combat the abusers.
So, lets say you buy all cubes in Mardia and you want get more, buy them in Kradia or Yellonde, etc can be done in GRAZED too. This is a thing we can abuse. And I must assume I abused to buy Guardian Scrolls and Shield Scrolls to Prime my Fairy Heart, plus Protection Scrolls from Free Market, mostly from legit players. I know which ones are from botters don't worry. I passed 6 slots with RP shop scrolls and 5 with actual NX cash. On 11 tries, i passed 3 in September with NX and 10 tries this month, only 2 passes and i managed to pass the two last tries no fail with RP in last weekend before this patch. So yeah, I still had to get 156k NX from these two months, two time 78k, so $100 CAD each time.
I also mentionned I have made a ticket about how we can:
- Farm reward points from multiple worlds, world alliance or not. I could farm in Reboot or Bera, etc. Anyways you have 4.5k daily and 45k monthly limits, so it's not a big thing.
- Buying all in stock in multiple worlds of World Alliance like MYCBNK or Grazed, the two biggest alliances in GMS, is considered as abuse in my opinion. I am done priming my Heart, so I don't plan doing that for cubes or anything else. I never did that thing before priming heart. Plus, all my equips on my Hero and Shade, except Shade secondary, are untradeable.
I think buying in multiple worlds should be fine, regardless of world alliances. Players didn't have a choice about the server alliance. For example, if I had a char in Scania and Bera, it would be on me to choose which character I'll spend the RP on. So if I decided to buy out the cubes to use on my Scania char and buy the cubes out again on my Bera char, there's really no harm done.
Now say if Scania and Bera were merged and buying the same items on different worlds be considered abuse, it would be a bit unfair to the players who are actually using it on different chars and had no say in the decision to merge worlds to begin with. I mean,
I agree that it's a d*ck move to abuse the server alliances for personal gain, considering it abuse for everyone is a bit unfair. Though to be honest, if Nexon did consider it abuse, I would understand especially if a lot of users are abusing the server alliances that way. It would be better (and fairer) however, if they simply applied the limits to not be bypassable in allied servers.
Now to go back on topic, thinking on the scenario above about having two actual characters in two different servers, and along with the fact that you can't really buy more than half of the RP items with 45k, raising the cap to 50k sounds a lot more reasonable.