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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
T-1337 Exchange Quests (New Leaf City)
Bug Type: NPC, functionality
Brief Bug Summary: T-1337 is supposed to give the person a random USE item from a list of 7 items (electrojuice, blastrojuice, nitrojuice, vitrojuice, megajuice, gigajuice, and jigajuice) after turning in a Diferium or Triferium Fuel Cell, 50 Boomer Cores, 1 Jumper Cable, 1 Sparkplug, and 1 T-1 Socket Adapter but when I try to interact with T-1337 it gives me "T-1337 is currently deactivated." even though I have all the materials needed to craft these items in my inventory.
Character Name: Shunraiki
Character Level: 252
Character Job: Battle Mage
World Name: Windia
Date and time of the incident: 08/26/2019, 5:30 PM PT
Hope this will be fixed in an upcoming patch
You were entirely incorrect, as I was using this functionality as late as May of this year. But it's too late trying to do anything about it now. Rather than fix it they are going to trash it all away and put up yet another coin shop in its stead.