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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Compensation for the last few days troubles?
*Major patch got extended and lasted a total of 9 hours
*Useful items are no longer as useful, clog the inventory, have a limited timer, and for no good reason
*Many classes crash and still do after the unscheduled patch
*Shop items show on weird places on the screen
*Momijigaoka and Princess No got removed from the mirror despite their usefulness, NLC haven't come back either
*Maple News cause a huge amount of lag for no reason
*Nameless town, arguably the level 200 hub crashes your game if you flash jump, the main form of movement for almost all classes
*Dark Lords of Darkness is 6 days instead of 2 weeks like it usually is despite being one of the most requested events, and one of the most dependent on luck.
*Game still takes 10+ mins to fully load and even then you may crash without even logging in
*Sometimes the game won't even start, sometimes it causes a Memory Leak
*No memo or any form of communication from the higher ups despite the dire situation of the game
Come on. This is shameful. Never had I seen MapleStory in such a poor pathetic state. There is a reason why people keep leaving the game, why the game has a bad reputation and why Nexon is such a joke. There should be some form of compensation after all of this because if MapleStory didn't had the hardened, resilient community it has servers would be even emptier. Is it so hard to give us something for all the troubles this patch has caused?

Not only that...but it can only be done once a day per character (even though they are untradable)...so that gives you 6 tries to get 3 totems for you class out of the 16 different totems.
That's normal, it's never been multiple times per character. Also you get ten per completion, so 60 tries instead of your claim of 6.
my mistake...been 2 or 3 years since i've done this event so must have remembered incorrectly.
yea...it should be...more so with it being so short...started a Bucc with the last Burning Event and need some Totems
I think people are conflating 1 time per char = 1 reward per char, but they are forgetting, as you've said, that the 1 reward is 10 attempts. However, the fact that the event has been slashed from 2-3 weeks to 6 days is just downright insulting.
Perhaps that's the reason for it. You may only be getting one week of it now, but altogether in 2019 you'll have gotten it for a full four weeks. Think of this like a bonus to the earlier run.
For Best in Slot items that require luck to be gotten the event should always be run longer. Its not our fault the best Totem items (or the best Badges, Rings and Androids) are locked behind a luck based time limited event. If Yu Garden Totems weren't time limited, or if The Afterland Totems were stronger it wouldn't be much of an issue, you would have some alternatives, but that ain't the case and its understandable that people are mad, on top of every other problem.
Think of it as a bonus. You're getting an extra week of the event from early this year. My guess is that, going forward, they'll hold off and run it as normal in its typical October slot.
You're forgetting that the reason it was run earlier this year is that it wasn't run at all in 2018.
Hunter totem is slightly better but it was still a time-limited event in reboot and in regular servers Nexon got rid of ways to get above average versions.