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Bad Icons

Reactions: 200
Posts: 2
in Bug Reporting
Alright, so firstly, I can't get into the game without restarting my computer almost every time and it is really annoying. I have also reinstalled the launcher a lot and noticed that I can't play unless the Nexon game security icon on the bottom right of my screen disappears. This is partially the reason why I have to restart over and over again. Can someone please help me get an easier way to play Maplestory? And I have tried to stop the game security from working but I just couldn't get it off my icon list. And this would happen every time I log out of a game. Like I would play, log out and then have to restart because I can't get into the game because the game security is still there.


  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2019
    After exiting the game, make sure the Maplestory.exe process has in fact exited, by checking Task Manager -> Details tab.
    If it appears there, you need to terminate it from the Task Manager.
    After that, you'll be able to launch it again.
  • ALCdragonALCdragon
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 2
    edited October 2019