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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Fix Losing Buffs upon logging/client crash
Fair reason to lose your buffs = character dies in-game
Unfair reason to lose your buffs = game crash, re-logging, server kicks
Recently: Logged in all month to get day 22 2xdrop coupon. Proceed to pop 1hr 2x drop coupon, client crashes 5m later. Upon logging back in: no buffs. If this has happened to you before you prob know how bad it feels
Proposing to fix losing your buffs for things outside of players control - ex: client-crashes, server-kicks, etc.
Has anyone else ever lost electric or internet briefly and forced to relog to find all their buffs gone? This has been a fact of the game forever and for what reason? If there is valid reasoning for players to be punished and buffs removed when logging let me know below
Is there a way for coupon buffs to be linked to maple-time and only removed when char dies? ex: uses buff at maple time: 9:05 lasts until 10:05 (for 1hr)?
We just have to keep reminding them until they fix the rest of them.
So basically, yes it's possible, it's on their to-do list, But Nexon is Nexon.
Nexon really needs to read this post and make it happen cuz starting a 2h grind session with a fury,dcing and losing wealth pot, legion buff and exp coupons and yellow pot and green pot is the worst thing