I feel like there should be that big blue event book that previously existed on the left side of the menu where it showed all ongoing/soon to come events for the next month or so. It was a pretty good tab to show what was going on,reward it granted,…
Arwoo wrote: »
Its2Sharp4U wrote: »
Arwoo wrote: »
Hi guys! I've been following this thread and wanted to let you all know that we've forwarded these concerns.
Please note that there's no official word on this particular change as of now.
Stargeth wrote: »
MonsterLife wrote: »
well i think the issue with this one is like how do you "partially" un nerf drop rate. Like do just make it so the normal rate is several times more? orrr how would u change the formula to have a partial …
Stargeth wrote: »
EDIT: Remember the Kishin nerfs? We got enough complaining going to convince Nexon to partially revert the nerf. Even IF the changes go through, we could still do the same for the nerfs to drop rate.
well i think the issue…
Has anyone even confirmed you can still get the chair AFTER hitting the cap...? Cause it'll be funny if nexon updates us next week during maintenance like "woops guys players can now obtain the chair after capping their points"
Why couldnt we just make zero marry themselves assuming you're saying that zeros are opted out on content such as APQ or new marriage buffs that might come back in the future when the offical amoira comes back. Like buying an item that makes them ma…
Stargeth wrote: »
No one really knows how the formula works, but the results that come out of it are pretty clear... There's a famous KMS Dark Knight YouTuber who posted a video of several node-farming results. He himself got 2 nodes after 2 hours…
Catooolooo wrote: »
I hope you guys and OP understand, we are getting these changes no matter if you like them or not.
I wouldnt say that, theres been several updates that KMS got and we didnt get and vice versa. Or even other servers that aren…
I feel like this is already pretty fair in its current state...Its true ABS have a few lines if you only use that one skill that does like 3 lines..however if u used different skills that proc those orb thingies..forgot what they're called then it s…
July wrote: »
Here some stuff I would like to see in the next ‘A Better Maple’ patch:
Familiar summoning - Add option to key bind a specific familiar. Also allow to summon it after getting hit.
Sweetwater weapons&armor - Allow t…
Neospector wrote: »
Most of the drop rate changes are pure speculation. I highly doubt it's the same as PDR or if it is, I certainly doubt that the cap on it is 100%. I'm assuming you mean 100% additional drop rate because 0% base drop rate makes …
thrakkes wrote: »
MonsterLife wrote: »
thrakkes wrote: »
I answered no to this question. BUT if Nexon can increase the base drop rate of Nodestones, Arcane Symbol, Droplets, ''Black Tokens from Kritias Invasion!!'', cubes, cubic blades, items …
thrakkes wrote: »
I answered no to this question. BUT if Nexon can increase the base drop rate of Nodestones, Arcane Symbol, Droplets, ''Black Tokens from Kritias Invasion!!'', cubes, cubic blades, items from Elite Monsters and other stuffs more …