Hi, Its been a while longer and I still haven't gotten my Maplestory Fest gift package in game yet. Is there anything you can update me on? I've just double checked the official twitter and I haven't heard any mention of the gift pack. Do you know i…
Its been about a week since I last posted and I still haven't received the gift pack. I've been keeping up with the Maplestory twitter but haven't seen anything about the Maplestory Fest gifts was there a post or anything i'm missing?
Hi ImmerShun I'm Pikatech I've Also Been Away From Maplestory For A While And Am Getting Back Into It I've Got 5 Characters In Windea One Of Which Is A Level 31 Cleric I've Been Trying To Find A Party For.
-Feel Free To PM Me At Any Time
Good Luck…