Chukki wrote: »
They might as well keep Bera and merge every other world to Scania.
Because Scania lost a lot of players as well.
I agree with this, as even with Windia and the current server alliances combined, it probably won't revive the …
There's no real set date for the rerelease date of Zero or the Maplehood Watch, or even any event in general, but they usually come back at least once a year.
I support this.
It's just far too tedious to do the quest that you can do to get the Persimmon coins.
Since a lot of people have tons of absolute taste coins, they could get the items they wish from the moon bunny shop with those coins.
I like this idea, since if it was in the 100mil-300mil range of price, the reboot starting packages could help new players set up a meso farming character, and players would be able to get more meso to pay off the pet's price and get more mesos to b…