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  • or you render @phantomsaria's work since s/he says s/he can't colour. but it was just a random blurt, you don't have to do it if you don't wanna -nods- I figured it wasn't a completely serious suggestion, because of the laughing at the end. X) We'…
  • I think your coloring is fine. I 'can't color' either, but I'm gonna do my best anyway! /whispers unsubtly how about a collab in a collab? ahahahaha You mean have somebody else color my drawing? Well I'm not against it. I can definitely save an …
  • I would love to see the end of this. I'd join, buuuuut I can't color worth half a dang. Best of luck, post results! I think your coloring is fine. I 'can't color' either, but I'm gonna do my best anyway!
  • Ooooh... cards. O.O I'd like to call dibs on Phantom, if I could... Do we have to have a certain amount of skill at art? I think I'm pretty good, but I know there are lots better than me.
  • I did think of putting Shade in, but the story kind of ended itself before he got a chance to show up. And there isn't much to say about his new outfit/costume, other than that it looks like a Black Wings uniform.
  • Class Name: Bard Class Type: Magician Weapon Type: Musical instrument of some kind. Like a lute, as in Dungeons and Dragons? I think most Bard classes in other games have stringed instruments, lutes and even guitars, so I'm slightly reluctant to t…
  • I agree that we need things fixed, not more stuff to gum up the works. New classes aren't fun if the game doesn't work properly. However, this part of the forums is for fan creations, stuff that people have fun making and then share with others. Eve…
  • Part Two: Mercedes frowned at his sudden ending. "Really? It seemed like you were going to say something else there..." Luminous froze for a moment, then stared at the floor and mumbled, "Phiny's haircut took all the blue off the lower ends of my ha…