still have to suicide in arcana even if u get out of byebye. Basically they don't want us to play reboot and want us to spend money on cubes in the regular server. It's pretty obvious. How else are you suppose to farm over 1000 droplets? By that tim…
Fuhreak wrote: »
UTC is best though. Honestly this is one concept that globalization has right on every level.
Why do time zones even need to exist at all?
Does the sun care if it comes up at 3PM or 6AM? Does your body? (Hint: No, it doesn't.)
Apocalyptian wrote: »
I know it only registers 10 a day
(5 send 5 received)
Also you can't send or receive from someone on the same acc but different character.
I guess this was nexons' way of telling us no double dipping in the candy dish haha…