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  • Kaiser in KMS has always used this "command" key system that we have gotten. JUST BECAUSE KMS HAS IT DOES NOT MAKE IT A GOOD SYSTEM!
  • Just because there are things that you thought they were going to fix in this patch does not mean they fixed nothing. Everything I listed was in the patch notes. And none of it was fixed
  • They did say, "The early worm gets the fish." For once there's an event timed for Aussies and Europeans. I approve. CRAAAAAZY idea Use the client IP to determine the players geolocation and adjust the fishing time based on that. Then make it a re…
  • They did say, "The early worm gets the fish." For once there's an event timed for Aussies and Europeans. I approve. CRAAAAAZY idea Use the client IP to determine the players geolocation and adjust the fishing time based on that. Then make it a re…
  • The good folk at Southperry suspect that Luminous, as well as Kaiser and Angelic Buster, are being changed to the way they are in KMS. This is what happened in CMS recently. They'll probably be able to confirm once the patch file is up. I don't un…
  • How is KMS Reboot coping with these bosses? They bring more than 1 person to the fight
  • They already have plans for 5th job....
    in Level 300 Comment by Azzato October 2016
  • @Akradian FYI, got a responce back, yes Kinesis are broken for the new player event and get nothing Tried a blaster. Got the pet, but never got any equip boxes Third try is a charm, made a night lord...ding.... winner winner chicken.....lvl 140 eqi…
  • no that takes way too long, then haxers would take advantage of this no timer thing, they can stay in boss and keep attacking til it dies. Hackers can kill bosses faster than legits. They can also simply stop Magnus meteors from falling. So eith…
  • Did you check the rewards shop? Because they've never been in the NX portion of the cash shop on Reboot. Yes they are not in the rewards section either
  • Event may've ended. Truth hurts. But, feel free to make a Customer Support Request (ticket) or contact Customer Support Live Chat. Maybe they won't say, "Our records show that your account is associated with an existing account." FYI, they said no…
  • Event may've ended. Says in game the event goes till the 15th New player rewards are for new players, not new accounts of old players. It is a brand new account, new email and everything, so what gives? Brand new account, yes, but are you a new play…
  • New player rewards are for new players, not new accounts of old players. It is a brand new account, new email and everything, so what gives?
  • Yes totally, random elite bosses spawn because of these hackers training and then they ruin maple market :O!!! Hackers need to stop polluting our game! Then it needs to stop being profitable for them. Cough cough all you people who buy mesos from …