My sister and I both finished our SS rings and we started on the same day which was 2 days after the start (thanks to UTC and other things), and we didn't even max out on cakes until a couple days after that when the food fight drop coupons were dis…
Shade is alright. A pretty average class, not too weak not too strong. I love it because of the lack of active buffing. A little worrying though from the talks of everyone getting bind... now Shade would lose most of his party use too.
Wind Archer.
Please make more of the buffs PASSIVE. They are way too reliant on several different buffs and in total it takes around 5+ seconds to fully buff. That is a nightmare in Evo Lab rice cake farming, and in Magnus it makes it nearly imposs…
I like Reboot, it's a lot more forgiving and laid back but the only problem is meso farming. A lot of NH is filled with bots or other people farming 24/7 so it's nearly impossible to find an empty channel. I don't remember the rate but it's a lot.
Meh I'm okay with or without it. It was indeed really fun but a lot of times when I played it was really toxic and discouraged me from getting into more games.
I got one S today, but my sister wasn't so fortunate with only As. I hope we both can make it. I'm alright with the event so far. Nexon did the right thing putting the Food Fight event with this for the drop coupons to ease the pain of farming treme…
I've been having lots of trouble logging in now too. It crashes so often now when I try to get into the NA server (oh boy, another connection hurdle from an already unstable game) and when I try to enter my PIC, or when I try to enter a channel... c…
No S yet.
I don't feel lucky. I haven't gotten 1 dark totem for my class so I don't feel hopeful to getting this ring even though it takes a lot of time and effort.
Yeah the drop rate is horrendous outside of dailies. This event is more of a chore and I don't have a lot of time anymore to dedicate the entire day to farm. I know the ring is very good and should be a great reward for all the effort, but it would …
I have a touch screen and if you do too it can help a bit to individually click on the jewels onto the mortar to at least fuse a couple before the lag completely freezes everything...