You're lucky, a few people have been kicked from the game immediately after using 2x coupons and lost the coupon and the buff. But hey it isn't costing Nexon money so they're not going to be in a rush to fix it.
Make all 3 of them and use them for Character Cards. Lv. 100 for all 3 is pretty nice.
Summon Duration, Buff Duration and Min/Max Critical from the individual cards, plus Ignore Defense from Triple Pirate and then the triple Rank bonus. Most people …
There's no use by date on the current V coins, so I wouldn't stress about it. 40 coin limit is still better than the 30 coin limit we had before this maintenance.
Wait, that's why I keep disconnecting all the time? I thought it was just general server instability.
I guess those Dual Birks get a break from my unsuccessful attempts at farming for Ilbis.
There's going to be a Season 2 for all of the V update events when the 5th job actually comes out, you can check on the event calendar (unless they removed them from the list I can't check). Just stock up on the coins as much as you can until then. …
this is the kind of response I got from the LIVE Chat with regards to the mssing boxes issue
yup, a gm just got em…
I just checked KThxBaiNao's Twitter and it said his location was Seattle. Do you guys think he moved?
Probably a new job, lots of game developers in Seattle.
A lot of the people "KSing" are most likely bots. Reboot is full of them because of the emphasis on meso farming and if they've bought NX they'll never get banned. Better off just playing on the normal servers until they either make more reboot serv…
I would certainly hire someone else to converse with you because you're too ignorant to read and comprehend written text in the first place.
You'd have to find someone willing to work with you first.
I can craft a list of at least a dozen other MMO service providers who do not have this problem. And I have played, or still play those MMOs, So I'm speaking first hand.
How many of those games use a decade old custom game engine and have been rec…
Well Nexon labels it self as a company of professionals, with full salaries and qualified associates to serve the administration of Maplestory and all of its facets to a wide consumer base.
And they are, that's why they're still working to fix th…
Rewriting a 12 year old system from scratch is definitely not easier than simply patching it over and over again. That doesn't take away the fact that actually being qualified to do something and the numerous testing methods available won't prevent …
And they still run it like a group of teenagers that learned how to do it on Youtube.
Maybe they just really like 009 Sound System.
I think, unlike you, that yannick has a good point.
This is a 2D MMO and almost 12 years old.
Yet every single pat…
The fact they're fixing them lets you know the bugs would've cost them money if they left them in. Plenty of bugs still floating around that won't get fixed any time soon just because they don't stop people from spending thousands of dollars on cube…
Coding something from scratch and using duct tape and super glue to fuse a decade old game with decade old data together with completely new code for everything are very different things and no amount of experience or testing can prepare you for the…
what you talking about willis
bera wasnt part of beta
bera was released after match cards and omok
and match cards and omok were released after server went public
i remember this cuz i was beta