It's so sad how out of touch you guys are.
We waited 3 weeks, once again, for a pathetic attempt at compensation. They couldn't even think of giving us a non-limited cube sale.
As mentioned before, we took steps to reduce the potential for …
Unpresent wrote: »
detex wrote: »
A reasonable solution I saw is to give everyone "DMT potions", handed out over a period of weeks (e.g. divide the playerbase into 3 1-week blocks).
But I am not exaggerating when I say that I severely doubt t…
There has never been a LIMITED cube sale for a DMT, and DMTs have never ran so horribly.
This whole situation has been handled in a pathetic manner.
From the poor initial communication from Ghiblee:…
One entry (not clear) is not enough, and this is another one of those "if you got them you're fine" moments from Nexon.
700 for each equip? That's several months for a set, compared to before. At least make the first set significantly cheaper god…