I finished the first week of Hasty Hunting and got the reward on my main. I completed the first day of the second week and got that reward on my main, then logged onto a different char and started doing dailies. I noticed that it wasn't counting th…
Actually, part of the trouble shooting with the tech crew was to do that. However, as I pointed out to them, I shut down every night and reboot every morning.
I deleted the game and reinstalled it as well. The problem remained until the next Win…
AKradian-I have reported some of these things happening before. They usually appear soon after an update of some kind. I went through a whole bunch of suggestions from the tech crew and nothing they suggested worked..... only to find that they clear…
Why not plan a "meet up" during one of those techie/gamer conventions?
In the past I have thought that one of the gamer conventions would be a perfect place for people to meet. Maybe Nexon could get a booth and sell/give away plushies of our favor…