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Last Active
August 19, 1994
Personal Quote
"Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, and everybody's going to die. Come watch TV?"
About Me
I'm a casual Phantom main. Nice to meet you, you.


  • scholar624 wrote: » If we are sticking to a steampunk theme and Edelstein's gear-shaped logo, one idea for a thief could be to use cog shaped bladed yo-yos to swing at enemies using complex tricks (i.e "walk the dog", "gravity pull", "around the …
  • Guys, the new Nova thief in KMST uses a whip-like chain, so a resistance thief wouldn't do the same.
  • July wrote: » Xenon counts as a Resistance thief It's a standalone thief-pirate hybrid class. By that reasoning, the mechanic shouldn't exist, lol. Instead of trying to shut me down, why not post some suggestions for a resistance thief? ^w^
  • Klara wrote: » I agree with @ChingTheMonkey - Claudine is a butter knife user. :^) This has been confirmed to be the knife Xenon gives to her as a child :P I don't think she's a 'butter knife user', per se.
  • DarkPassenger wrote: » Id say something to do with gears or something similar to Rikku from FFX and FFX-2, the al bhed are somewhat steam punk and rikku looks like a thief class. Itd fit with Claudine being a doctor since alchemy can be used to he…
  • thrakkes wrote: » Starshadow wrote: » Ivangold wrote: » I think they can do a thief Resistence, but it certanly won't be a pupeter, thiefs are swifts and with a suprising attack that you wouldn't expect, a Puppeter is actually the oposite, ver…
  • Ivangold wrote: » I think they can do a thief Resistence, but it certanly won't be a pupeter, thiefs are swifts and with a suprising attack that you wouldn't expect, a Puppeter is actually the oposite, very slow and hardly moves since he uses othe…
  • thrakkes wrote: » You should try Princess No questline so you can play Kanna, Hayato and Ayame class. @Petalmagic I dont remember Francis being a nice guy in Black Heaven. I don't know about Black Heaven, but he's a crybaby in the Phantom …
  • PirateIzzy wrote: » We're never getting an Ayame class. The new Sengoku common skill confirms this. As for a Resistance thief, maybe? I kind of doubt it, since they mention in the storyline that the Resistance doesn't train thieves. Didn't it …
  • thrakkes wrote: » Starshadow wrote: » thrakkes wrote: » Then we need to rewrite part of history. Francis is not a good guy. And I fail to imagine how a Puppeteer can be a thief o-0 Just the same way a mechanic can be a pirate, or a blaster …
  • thrakkes wrote: » Then we need to rewrite part of history. Francis is not a good guy. And I fail to imagine how a Puppeteer can be a thief o-0 Just the same way a mechanic can be a pirate, or a blaster can be a warrior. Just throwing around ide…
  • Petalmagic wrote: » -cough- Francis -cough- Thank you. And as for Edea or Ayame, why must the class already be an NPC? I don't understand, lol
  • DarkPassenger wrote: » theres already a post about this. also if you make a blaster, the job instructor says it himself, " Claudine something something, she doesn't have any students right now." so that may indicate that she is an actual job in…
  • Petalmagic wrote: » I already wrote up a Puppeteer thing a looong time ago. I even had drawings for the skills it would use. I see it as 1st job you have to use your puppet strings to pull and push mobs around. 2nd job and onward you get summons a…
  • foussiremix wrote: » Class idea:Chakram user Main weapon: chakram Sub weapon: Qi orb Playstyle: Slashes foes with fast spinning Chakrams and can throw them for ranged attacks. I assume you don't mind if I add this to my original post? …