That's a copout response. Any class can be as strong or weak as any other class coz it only takes a few number changes. Saying the current battle mage is the best one because it has the
highest theoretical dps is weak reasoning. The various revamps battle mages have received has completely changed the playstyle. They're not the same class as they used to be and that's what Arwen is complaining about. Back in the day when our teleport had hyper upgrades I picked the luminous-style invincibility one because telecasting doesn't work at 600 ping. Take it from me, the class isn't any stronger than pre-GLA when you're not telecasting. I can't speak for Arwen, but when I say I'd like to see bits from the old Battle Mage come back I'm talking about the first rendition. Body Boost, Twister, Reapers, etc. It's clear that a lot of people do enjoy the telecasting playstyle (you see it on reddit more than here) so ideally they should bring back the rock revamp and make a new class branch out of it.
My 2c from a BaM vet.
But they're not just saying that current BaM is the best version because of only DPS, but also mechanics. BaMs core play style has barely changed at all as TimeKarma pointed out. Basically the only nerfs BaMs have had is BKBs cooldown, which just made the skill actually be on par with the other similar 170 hyper skill, instead of it being a mindless spam skill. I mean if nerfing us means when go from being low on the DPS charts to being in or near top 10, then please KMS "nerf" us more :] As for what Arwen is complaining about, it just seems like a case of nostalgia clouding them from seeing what BaMs really are. (My favourite part is when they said that Battle burst is a useless skill, when it is very much an essential movement skill, while wanting the old dark shock - which was actually completely useless outside of 3rd job - back).
We really don't need skills like Body Boost or GLA back. Looking back on them, our complete reliance on those two skills crippled us if we ever died and they weren't already off cooldown. Not to mention GLA in itself actually did change one part of the BaM playstyle - sharing auras with party members. Anyways 5th job union aura is essentially the replacement to these skills, without making us overly dependent on them for DPS, as were are still very capable without it active. The old reaper was literal trash even when training, and twister spin would have to be like phantom's tempest to even be useful. I wouldn't be against making a separate class branch with the scrapped BaM revamp (which really only got scrapped beacause of bandwagoners and their "muh BKB" -_- )
On a side note: pls KMS give us new blow animations already -_-