Bring back pvp. Most gamer these days don't just want an adventure, they want the chance to beat up some loudmouth. League of legends, Dota, call of duty, destiny, battlefield, etc. Bring a new version of pvp back and find a way to balance it around class skills not equipment. 1v1, 3v3, 6v6, and free-for-all are my suggestions. Rewards can be equipment, special medals, and have a system for pvp points to show which guild has the best/most active pvp players. The entrance can be in star planet. Bring it back with even more games than before.
Nerf bosses so that more players can do them. Before the damage cap was raised from 999k, it used to be that nobody needed to cap to complete bosses. There was a time that 250k damage was considered pretty darn good and a team full of players like that could take down any boss at the time. Capping was a luxury that simply made bossing easier. Nowadays you have to do beyond even the now-outdated 50m cap to have a chance at some of the more recent bosses. Find a way to nerf bosses so that top-end players feel rewarded for their efforts, as opposed to it feeling like a necessity, while your average player feels like they at least have a shot if they can gather enough people.
Increase the cube drop rate. There are so many potential lines that finding an odd cube here or there does nothing for the average player. Yes, the game is free-to-play, but it would feel a lot better for some players if it were just as possible to become OP by grinding cubes than buying them. I'm not saying they should be common drops or anything, but if a player could find a cube maybe once every 200 or 300 monsters plus getting guaranteed cubes from certain bosses it would go a long way.
Increase the nebulite box rate drop by a lot. When boxes first came out they dropped like candy, now they hardly drop at all. Make them an uncommon drop.
Just a couple ideas off the top of my head. I know these aren't easy to implement, but I would love it if these were at least considered.