Character: Pikem1704
World: Aurora
Date/time of occurrence: Tue 10/27/2021, around 8pm UTC, in other words after the postponed and prolonged minor patch.
Problem: i cleared hell gollux and hard ranmaru, afterwards (after a whole bunch of other bosses) tried to claim all boss reward points together, the list showed me gollux and ranmaru were not included. The amount of reward points matches the bosses i did *excluding* gollux and ranmaru. Funny, the website post about the minor patch said this issue was fixed though? DX<
Steps to reproduce: Clear gollux, probably any difficulty level (i did hell mode) ; Clear ranmaru (i di hard mode) ; maybe do a few other bosses ; then try to claim all the boss reward points together. Then look at the list of bosses it counted, and note Gollux and Ranmaru are not in it.
Gee Nexon, when you 'fix' something do you really test it or what?