I'm surprised people are actually quitting over this change, it's only another 3 seconds of work (more if you have a long pin sure) but really? I'm surprised you guys didn't quit when pin got added to the node npcs.
The main problem is, you do NOT access the nodestone master NEARLY as frequently as you would access the storage. Especially for those of us still building up our mules and tidying inventories and mass extracting items. I actually dont mind the PIC on the nodestone master.
As for storage, sure it is a bit of a hassle, but when that "bit" of hassle adds up over even 8 characters it becomes a pain.
For the whole protection thing, I doubt your account would be safe if hackers have already gained access to it and logged in on your character. So I still currently see 0 points in implementing this.
TOTALLY agreed with the storage thing...im constantly organising and transferring between mules. Having to enter PIC everytime i change a character is bad enough, but this is ridiculous. GET RID OF IT. It serves literally NO purpose but to annoy us
Does anyone else find having to enter PIC for storage EXTREMELY annoying? Especially when transferring things between numerous mules. Any good reason why this was even implemented? I've looked around on the patch notes and did not see an explanation as to why this was implemented for storage.
OMG! I thought I was the only one experiencing this...and yes, my corsair feels extremely clumsly right now. I cannot even turn a different direction after using the skill right now. The patch notes said nothing about reducing its speed...and even WITH booster and MPE green pot on, it is still too slow to mob with, taking away my motivation fo training.