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  • FIX YOUR DAMN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dear Nexon, You know the new content is broken, you've said so, so get off your butts and fix it! why do you not give a care about we "average" players of your game ? This error code 38 is total crap!!!!!! If half of us out here can't play and everyone on my buddy list is dcing.. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE "stop attacking" CRAP!! THIS IS BROKEN FIX IT OR TAKE IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is ONLY there for your precious hackers and those who spend a fortune on the game.. this is all about the powerful how much damage can you lay down, we all know it will be the same people every single time at the top, we get it, its rigged PAY TO PLAY 110%! BUT at least FIX IT! we know we're not getting anything prize wise but damnit at least let us get our damn coins!!!!!!! so freaking sick of the same old bs in this game.. YOU KNOW ITS BROKE SO FIX IT!!!!!! ugh THIS Is exactly why people quit this game and don't spend money on it.!!!
    OH and PS if this was "Marvel Machine" not working you'd have fixed it ASAP! care about the actual game THIS much!
  • Account not verified

    Happened to me too, I did log a ticket but when can we expect this to be fixed ? I cant play at all and why did this happen ? I got this little mushroom window asking did I really want to DC my char when this happened ? I clicked yes I wanted to dc then when I tried to relog my other char thats when I got the "your account has not been verified? Now I can't get back into game at all
  • I have the problem 9 gb pop up

    Mine did nothing after the download but try to re-download it again for the 5th time, I guess, thats it there really is NO fix for some of us and all we get from nexon is crickets they just really do not care. This is why the game is dead / dying, even for those of us who have stuck in there and tried to play and be supportive we're getting nothing in return, and now can't even play because of their inability to fix anything properly its ridiculous , good luck to you ^^ hope it works for you.